Cattlemen's Day, 1983

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of Aureomycin®, injectable Tramisol® and Ectrin® fly control ear tags on grazing steer performance
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Corah, L.; O'Neill, S.; Riley, Jack G.; Pope, Ronald V.; rvpope
    Steers consuming a free choice mineral mix containing Aureomycin (437 mg per hd per day) gained 15.3% faster than controls during a 129 day grazing trial on brome grass pasture. There was considerable variation in daily mineral intake and daily Aureomycin consumption among the 12 pasture replicates. Worming the locally produced steers with Tramisol resulted in a small but non-significant improvement in gain. Two Ectrin fly control ear tags per steer (three pastures within each mineral treatment for the final 61 days of the trial) resulted in a 0.25 lb daily gain increase. Average horn fly counts for tagged steers was <1 vs. 60 for non-tagged steers.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of Reimplanting Feedlot Heifers with Ralgro® and/or Synovex-H®
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) LaTourell, D.; Kuhl, Gerry L.; Drake, C.
    Implanting heifers initially and mid-way through the finishing period with Ralgro and Synovex-H in any combination produced similar weight gains. Daily gains of cattle implanted with Ralgro + Ralgro, Ralgro + Synovex-H, Synovex-H + Ralgro and Synovex-H + Synovex-H were 3.66, 3.61, 3.66 and 3.75 lbs, respectively.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of reimplanting with Ralgro on performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot heifers
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Simms, D.; Kuhl, Gerry L.; Tonn, S.; Schalles, R.
    A field study was conducted to evaluate the effect of reimplanting, and of implanting technique, on the performance of yearling heifers. Daily gains of reimplanted, single implanted and non-implanted cattle averaged 3.00, 2.93 and 2.81 lb, respectively. Implanting Ralgro at the base of the ear produced a slight and not statically significant increase in again over the “old” site 1 to 2 in. from the base of the ear. Feed efficiency of the single implant heifers was 5.5% better than controls, with an additional 1.9% improvement due to reimplanting. Carcass characteristics were not materially influenced by implant treatment.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Compudose® implant vs a Ralgro® plus Synovex-S® reimplant program for finishing steers
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Laudert, S.; Eder, J.; Kuhl, Gerry L.
    Compudose implanted feedlot steers performed similarly to steers initially implanted with Ralgro and reimplanted with Synovex-S. Steers lost 2.9% of the Compudose implants.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Comparison of Ralgro® and Compudose® implants for suckling steer calves
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Simms, D.; Dinkel, A.; Jepsen, D.; Schalles, R.
    Two field trials were conducted to compare Ralgro and Compudose for suckling steer calves. Ralgro, Ralgro re-implanted, and Compudose increased gain over controls 2.5. 5.9, and 1.5%, respectively, with only the increase from Ralgro re-implanted being signficicant (P<.05). Ralgro reimplanted steers gained more than Compudose steers (P<.05).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of Synovex-H and Ralgro implants on weight gain of heifers grazing wheat pasture
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Laudert, S.; Nelson, R.
    Heifer calves grazing winter wheat pasture and implanted with Synovex-H or Ralgro gained 18 and 14% faster (P<.01) respectively, than heifers not implanted. Weight gains were similar for both implants.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of Compudose® and Ralgro® implants and Tramisol® injectable wormer on the performance of grazing yearling steers.
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Laudert, S.; Sauerwein, C.; Harris, G.
    Compudose and Ralgro improved (P<.05) average daily gain 15% over non-implanted controls. No difference was observed between the two implants. Tramisol injectable wormer increased (P<.05) average daily gain 8% over non-wormed cattle.
  • ItemUnknown
    Value of implanting and reimplanting feedlot heifers
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Laudert, S.; Kuhl, Gerry L.; Schalles, R.
    Implanting incoming feedlot heifers with Ralgro® or Synovex-H® increased weight gain an average of 9.4%. Reimplanting half way through the 119 day feeding period did not improve gain significantly. There were no differences between Ralgro and Synovex-H when used as the initial or second implant.
  • ItemUnknown
    Effect of salt form and processing method on salt intake and beef cattle performance
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Lomas, Lyle W.
    Processing method (evaporated vs. rock) had no effect on salt consumption or weight gain of growing stocker cattle. Steers consumed 2.18 times more loose salt than block salt.
  • ItemUnknown
    Comparative intake of bone meal and calcium phosphate mineral mixtures as phosphorus sources for grazing steers and lactating cows
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Brazle, F.; Kuhl, Gerry L.; Wary, T.; Lanham, Dale L.
    Steers on native grass consumed equal amounts of mixtures containing 50% trace mineralized salt and either 50% bone meal or 50% calcium phosphate. Lactating cows consumed about 60% more of the bone meal:salt mixture. This research verifies that both products are palatable supplemental phosphorus sources and that choice of product should be a function of cost per unit of phosphorus.
  • ItemUnknown
    Revaccination of recently processed cattle
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Spire, M.F.; Riley, Jack G.; Edwards, A.J.
    Two trials were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of revaccinating recently processed cattle with modified live IBR and BVD vaccine. Revaccination decreased total illness 24 to 26%. A significant reduction in clinically sick calves occurred by 48 hours after revaccination and continued for the reminder of the observation period.
  • ItemUnknown
    Management options for pregnant feedlot heifers
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Simon, M.; Keay, L.E.; Kiracofe, G.; Riley, Jack G.
    Heifers that were 167 days pregnant when slaughtered gained faster and more efficiently than open heifers, or heifers that had been aborted with a prostaglandin analog at 83 or 138 days, unless the slaughter weight was adjusted for the 1.7% lower carcass yield (dressing %). When the slaughter weights for all these management options were adjusted using the carcass yield of open heifers, there was no difference in gain except for the depressed performance associated with late abortions. However, open heifers were 6.7% more efficient than heifers pregnant when slaughtered. Heifers aborted at 138 days had substantially reduced gains and feed conversion. These results indicate that because of increased carcass yield, packers can afford to pay a premium for heifers that are open or have been aborted during the first trimester. Unless a premium is paid for open heifers, pregnant heifers (provided they are sold before calving) sold on a live weight basis might be more profitable because of the apparent increased gain and efficiency.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Survey of Kansas Cow-calf producers
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-01-27) Riley, Jack G.
    Results of a 1982 survey were compared to a similar survey conducted 5 years earlier to determine if the acceptance of management practices had changed during that time period. The cow herd size was similar in both surveys but there was a 6% increase in crossbred cows and a substantial change in sire breed. The breeding season had been shortened to 110 days but was still too long. There was no apparent change in acceptance of semen testing or pregnancy check but 23% more producers were using a worming program. Fly control ear tags were not available in 1977-78 but 68% were using them in 1982 (69% used 1 tag per animal and 31% used 2) with a majority tagging both the cow and calf. Implanting had increased from 25% to 58%, with 95% of those using Ralgro and 43% re-implanting at least once. In 1977-78 a feeder calf price of $47.25 per cwt. was considered desirable; $65 per cwt. was the average response in 1982.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Comparison of cattle types and management systems
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2010-12-15) Schalles, R.R.; Bolsen, K.; Dikeman, Michael E.; mdikeman
    No differences were found in total feed energy required to produce a pound of retail cuts between breeds or management systems. However, across breeds, faster gaining steers were more efficient. When yardage, facilities, labor and interest were also considered, faster gaining cattle and accelerated management programs were more economical.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Factors affecting prices of calves and yearlings in Kansas
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2010-12-15) Lambert, C.; Corah, L.; Grunewald, O.
    Data were collected on 85,195 cattle sold in 15 Kansas auctions during October and November 1981. Buyers discounted sick cattle heavily, 'and discounts were heavier on sick calves than yearlings. The discount for bulls vs. steers increased as weight increased, but the discount for heifers vs. steers decreased with increasing weight. Buyers pay little if any premium for thin cattle, but severely discount very thin or fat cattle. Cattle with average fill sold as well or better than shrunk cattle. Gaunt or tanked cattle were heavily discounted. Best prices were paid for lots of 20 to 40 head, with heavy discounts for lots less than 5. Since the price advantage to uniform lots was small, sorting should be kept to a minimum. Large framed, thick muscled cattle sold best, and smaller framed cattle were discounted more in western than eastern Kansas.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lighting effects on beef carcass grade factors
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2010-12-15) Kropf, Donald H.; Hunt, Melvin C.; Cross, H.R.; Dikeman, Michael E.; mdikeman
    Beef carcass quality factors were evaluated under 25 different lighting systems (five lighting types each at five light intensities). Cool White fluorescent caused the darkest and most mature lean score, but marbling quantity score was not affected by lighting type or intensity. Lean was scored progressively brighter and more youth with increasing lighting intensity.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ascorbic acid and ground beef display life
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2010-12-15) Shivas, S.D.; Kropf, Donald H.; Hunt, Melvin C.; Kendell, J.L.A.; Dayton, A.D.; Kastner, Curtis L.; ckastner
    Adding .05 and .10% ascorbic acid to ground beef resulted in brighter color and longer display life, more intense taste panel beef flavor and less rancidity. Those advantages should encourage centralized retail cutting and packaging by reducing spoilage and loss. Ground beef with 25% fat had brighter color scores and lower microbial counts but was more off-flavor than 20% fat ground beef.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Inoculant and urea-molasses additives for forage sorghum silage
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2010-12-15) Hinds, M.; Brethour, J.; Bolsen, K.
    Inoculant (1177 in one trial) and non-protein nitrogen (LSA-100 in two trials) silage additives were evaluated with whole-plant forage sorghum silage. Steers fed LSA-100 silage gained faster than steers fed control silage supplemented with soybean meal (4.8% in trial 1; 12% in trial 2). Feed conversion was improved 11% in trial 1 and was similar to the control silage in trial 2. Silage inoculated with 1177 supported rates and efficiencies of gain similar to the control silage. Of the nitrogen added from LSA-100, 90.9% in trial 1 and 86.2% in trial 2 was recovered from the concrete stave silos. Dry matter recoveries averaged 6.0 percentage units less for LSA-100 silages than controls, however 1177 increased recovery by 2.65 units. In general, silage from the bottom half of each silo was far more stable in air than that from the top half. The additives did not consistently affect aerobic stability.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Stocking rate, supplementation and implants for steers grazing bluestem pasture in early summer
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2010-12-15) Held, R.; Smith, E.F.; Riley, Jack G.; Owensby, Clenton E.; owensby
    Native bluestem pastures were grazed from May 10 to July 15, 1982 by steers averaging 599 lbs, at stocking rates 1.82, 1.5, 1.2 acres per steer. Daily gains were similar for all rates, but gain per acre increased with increased stocking rate. Half of the steers were self-fed a salt-limiting sorghum grain-Rumensin® mixture, at about 1.8lb per steer per day. Supplementation increased daily gain (P<.05) but actual differences were small (2.08 vs. 1.91 lb per day). Gain per acre was increased 7 lbs by supplementation. Herbage yields at mid-July were least on the heavily stocked pastures, but by October regrowth on all pasture was equal. Stocking rate did not affect botanical composition. There were no significant gain differences for steers implanted with either Compudose®, Ralgro® or Synovex®, even though 24 percent of the Compudose implants were lost by mid-summer.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of electrical stimulation and hot boning on the functional characteristics of presalted beef muscle used in sausage manufacturing
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2010-12-15) Choi, Y.I.; Hunt, Melvin C.; Kropf, Donald H.; Kastner, Curtis L.; Dikeman, Michael E.; ckastner; mdikeman
    Presalted, hot-boned muscle has excellent emulsifying properties for sausage manufacturing. However, electrical stimulation degrades these properties. Thus, while electrical stimulation and hot boning produce acceptable steaks and roasts, the value of the trimmings used in manufactured meat products may be lowered. Presalting maintained the high pH values of the hot-boned muscle during 24 hours storage.