Effects of sugar, internal cooking temperature, and hot-boning on the characteristics of low fat, restructured, value-added beef roasts
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Low fat, restructured beef roasts were made from muscles that were conventionally or hot-boned. Differing combinations of salt, phosphate, and glucose were added. Then roasts were cooked to 145 ̊F or 200 ̊F. Roasts from conventionally boned muscle generally had less warmed-over flavor and higher acceptability scores than those from hot-boned muscle. Adding glucose with salt and phosphate helped suppress warmed-over flavor throughout display and did not reduce flavor acceptability or increase cooking loss. Roasts cooked to 200 ̊F had lower warmed-over flavor scores and were more acceptable, but were less cohesive and had higher cooking losses than roasts cooked to 145 ̊F. All roasts were acceptable, regardless of boning, ingredient, or temperature treatment.