The physical, mental, moral and spiritual value of a study of home economics

dc.contributor.authorStreeter, Annie Louisa
dc.descriptionCitation: Streeter, Annie Louisa. The physical, mental, moral and spiritual value of a study of home economics. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1898.
dc.descriptionMorse Department of Special Collections
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: “If the national life depends on the state, and the state depends on the homes of its people, we can clearly see that the first and primary responsibility rests upon the foundation-the home-maker and house-keeper” Civil government teaches us that a nation never rises any higher than the homes of its people; Therefore, if we are to become a nation strong physically, mentally, morally and spiritually, our homes must meet all these elements of growth. As all life is subject to the law of environment, the home must be surrounded by all the pure, healthful and practical environments necessary to its complete and perfect growth. Our education must also be surrounded by the same conditions, for true education means all that pertains to the development of body mind and soul.”
dc.rightsThe organization that has made the Item available believes that the Item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States, but a determination was not made as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. The Item may not be in the Public Domain under the laws of other countries. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information.
dc.subjectDomestic Science
dc.subjectDomestic Art
dc.subjectHome Ethics
dc.subject.AATManuscripts (documents)
dc.titleThe physical, mental, moral and spiritual value of a study of home economics


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