Graduating Theses 1893-1927

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    A study of the dietary of college girls
    (1908) Kratzinger, Elsie; Marty, Jessie
    Introduction: This study and experiment extended through the month of April, 1908. The meals were prepared and served in one of the laboratories of Kedzie Hall. There were twelve girls that took part in the experiment, and also one of the instructors who had a general supervision of the work, and also acted as hostess at the table.
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    A determination of the variation of soil moisture in three plots of soil during one month's growing period
    (1908) Kiser, Orville M.; Praeger, Herman A.
    Introduction: In choosing this work for our thesis we have intended to show the variation of soil moisture to a depth of four feet in three different plots; wheat, corn, and alfalfa, respectively, during the spring season from April 22 to May 21, ’08. The wheat and alfalfa made a good growth during this time while the corn was planted toward the end of the month and was coming up at the close of the experiment.
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    Testing and calibration of commercial wattmeters
    (1908) Kirby, A. W.; Marshall, P. E.
    Introduction: The importance of reliable measurement of electrical power is at once evident. The increasing demand for electrical power has made it necessary that a unit of power be established, and that instruments be made that will accurately measure this power. It was because of this demand that the integrating wattmeter was invented.
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    A study of character as exemplified by two of our greatest presidents
    (1908) Kimble, Venus
    Introduction: A question that might interest the public of today is; Why Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt are among the best liked of our presidents? The writer in trying to answer this question has found it necessary to compare and contrast the different periods of the life.
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    The furnishing and decoration of a dining room
    (1908) Wolf, Nelle
    Introduction: “More than any other spot in the home should the dining room express comfort, hospitality, and good cheer.” Since it is the one place where each day the average husband and father is permitted to enjoy the company of family, it should by all means suggest shelter, warmth, and snugness.
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    The dietetic treatment of a diabetic patient
    (1908) Kerr, Almira E.
    Introduction: In all medical treatment of the present day the fact is being realized that the health of a person depends upon the kind of food taken into the body. Let us consider what a food is. Food is anything which when taken into the body is capable either of building new tissue, repairing waste or producing heat or muscular work.
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    The Tirrell regulator
    (1908) Wilson, J. A.; Strong, H. D.
    Introduction: The voltage regulation of electrical generators has always been a very important problem, and one that has been very difficult to solve. Formerly when the field was held by shunt generators the supply depended entirely upon a switch board attendant who endeavored to keep the voltage as nearly as possible to the desired point…
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    The origin and development of the United States Army
    (1908) Wilson, Bruce Steinhoff
    Introduction: The United States Army was not born, in a time of peace, for conquest. It was born during the birth throes of our nation, for defense. A willful, patriotic, and vigorous race of democrats had taken possession of the New World.
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    Should a young woman attempt to earn her way through college
    (1908) Wilson, Frances Odell
    Introduction: There is no reason why an ordinary girl cannot earn her way through college provided she be encouraged and given instructions in regard to the kinds of labor she could best do and carry on her regular college work; provided, also, that she knows how best to use her vocations and other things she has and wishes to devote to labor.
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    Outline for a course in domestic science: to be used in the schools of New Bedford, Massachusetts
    (1908) Willis, Clara
    Introduction: Vacation Schools. Life Among the Mill Operatives. The problem of taking care of the children of the poor and helping them during the summer months becomes one of the utmost interest in large cities. It is met, in part, by the vacation schools, which hold during six months or more in the most thickly settled and miserable parts of the large milling cities.
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    A forest planting plan for the waste land of a Kansas farm
    (1908) Willard, Charles
    Introduction: In going over our upland Kansas farms, one is invariably struck with the amount of more or less waste land upon them. Stony hillsides, washed gullies, sloughs, small, frequently flooded creek bottoms, and hillside fields which are washed and gullied until they are mere clay banks, are some of the places of this sort.
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    A plea for domestic science in the grade school
    (1908) Kelly, Maude
    Introduction: The novel entitled “The Breadwinners” published about 25 years ago is a social study dealing with the problems of labor. Among other points the author presents the idea that education of the laboring classes would not improve the labor situation. Subsequent development, however, shows that in this his estimate has not been justified.
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    A renaissance city hall
    (1908) Walters, Dan
    Introduction: Specifications for the erection and completion of a new City Hall for the city of [blank], [blank], after the drawings made for the same by Dan Walters, Student in the Architecture Course, Class of 1908, of the Kansas State Agricultural college, at Manhattan, Kansas, June 1, 1908.
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    A kitchen and its furnishings
    (1908) Tulloss, Elsie May
    Introduction: A kitchen is that portion of a dwelling to which the preparation of pure, wholesome food is confined for the nourishment of our bodies. When it is realized how necessary it is that food be pure and wholesome and properly prepared, the first thing to look to, is a suitable place for its preparation.
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    Modern German fairy stories
    (1908) Trunk, Matilda
    Introduction: The following stories are translations from “New German Fairy Stories” (Neuer Deutscher Marchenschatz, Sonderheft der “Woche”). August Scherl. Berlin 1905.
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    Lectures in domestic science to high school students
    (1908) Tolin, Bessie L.
    Introduction: These students are second year high school students. They have had one year of Domestic Science and one year of Chemistry. They have had four hours of work a week in Domestic Science and they know the five food principles and the classification of foods.
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    The sanitary plumbing of a modern house
    (1908) Teagarden, Maude E.
    Introduction: The busy housewife hails with delight at any sensible labor-saving device. Of all the modern arrangements, the house plumbing system is undoubtedly the most convenient. It supplies all the water necessary for domestic and other purposes and removes quickly all fluid and semi-fluid waste with no effort whatever on the part of the occupants of the house.
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    The fifty-ninth Congress, its organization, personnel, and acts
    (1908) Thompson, R. C.
    Introduction: The Fifty-ninth Congress began with a special session of the Senate on March 4, 1905, immediately after the adjournment of the Fifty-Eighth Congress. It is customary for the outgoing President to issue a call for a special session of the Senate to assemble on the day of the inauguration of the President.
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    Course in domestic science for a first-year, high school student
    (1908) Taylor, Irene
    Introduction: This outline is meant to be a working outline. One from which the teacher can plan her lessons and add or detract from the theory part as seems desirable. The pupils work in groups of two, but individual work is given wherever possible.
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    Choosing a life work
    (1908) Taft, Edwin S.
    Introduction: It has been said that, since vocation is the chief support of the home and tends to develop individual character and manhood, just so it clearly underlies the welfare and prosperity of the nation.