Architecture and Afghanistan Student Projects

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    A prototypical (school) design strategy for soil-cement construction in Afghanistan
    (Kansas State University, 2009-04-07T14:27:15Z) Yoldas, Cenk
    Contemporary design and construction methods, when integrated with lessons of traditional vernacular architecture, can lead to a refined, regional, ecological and economical system of building construction. This thesis seeks alternative design prototypes for contemporary compressed soil-cement brick construction suitable for Afghanistan where the climate is arid and the building resources are limited. The purpose of the thesis is to explore the integration of earth and renewable, available, building materials into alternative prototypical spatial enclosures for school structures. The thesis utilizes a design methodology that includes analysis of pertinent literature, identification of essential design requirements, alternative design concept generation, and design refinements based upon design critiques. Although there is an inability of building these prototypes full scale, computer modeling will be utilized to evaluate structural performance. The thesis should provide a valuable source of information for parties seeking advanced appropriate building construction strategies for Afghanistan.