Cattlemen's Day, 1970

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Nutritive value of forages as affected by soil and climatic differences
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Clary, F.G.; Brent, B.E.; Richardson, D.; Erhart, A.B.; Banbury, Evans E.; Boren, Fred W.
    Effects of environment on the performance of beef steers in Kansas have been studied since 1962. The experiments, in three phases, have included seven feedlot trials and one digestion trial.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Comparison of Biuret and soybean meal for wintering cows on bluestem pasture
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Thyfault, H.A.; Smith, E.F.; Harbers, L.H.
    Biuret, a non protein nitrogen compound, has shown promise as a protein substitute for ruminants fed poor quality roughages. Urea, by comparison, cannot be sued without an adequate supply of energy in the form of either grain or molasses. Biuret is not broken down to ammonia so rapidly as urea is. Biuret, therefore, is less toxic than urea.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The nutritive value of four varieties of sorghum grain
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) McCollough, R.L.; Drake, C.L.; Harrison, K.F.
    In 1969, Kansas harvested 182, 896, 00 bushels from 3,266,00 acres of grains sorghum for a 56-bushel-per-acre average. Much of it is fed to beef cattle; therefore, it would be an economic advantage for both grain producers and cattle feeders to have a sorghum grain of superior feeding quality.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Preliminary investigations with adapted rumen microorganisms (ARM) for fattening beef cattle
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Drake, C.L.; Good, D.L.; Schalles, R.R.; Hahn, P.A.; Myrick, O.D. Jr.
    The use of rumen microorganisms is not new but neither is it a common practice. We used a product developed by W.R. Grace and Company in an attempt to reduce the "adaptation period" of cattle placed on a finishing ration. The adaptation response is believed to correlate with changes in microbial populations in the cattles rumen. Microbes that efficiently metabolize one type of diet, like forage, do not survive on a high grain diet. However, the multitude of microbes in the rumen includes types that help digest grain. When they increase until they dominate the rumen population, the adaptation period is complete.
  • ItemOpen Access
    White sorghum grain (Funk's G766W) and elevator-run red sorghum grain compared for fattening cattle
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Drake, C.L.; Carlson, V.P.; Wilson, P.H.; Allen, Dell M.
    An new white variety of sorghum grain (Funk’s G766W) has been reported to be higher in digestible dry matter and protein than elevator-run, rod sorghum grain. A 120-day field trial was conducted on the George and Vernon Miller farm near Great Bend to compare the two sorghum grain types under feed-lot conditions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Relationships among carcass characteristics of cattle exhibited at shows in the Midwest
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) McKee, M.; Schalles, R.R.; Harris, M.; Zoellner, K.O.; Westmeyer, H.W.
    Carcass data were collected from 24 carcass shows held throughout the Midwest, including eight county shows in Kansas and one county show in Nebraska, seven years’ results from the Kansas National Junior Livestock Show in Wichita, two years results from the Midwest Steer and Carcass Show at Austin, Minn,. two years results from the St. Joseph Live Steer and Carcass Show, St. Joseph, Mo., and one-year results from AK-SAR-BEN, Omaha, Nebr., Waterloo Carcass Show, Waterloo, Iowa; Hoosier Beef Show, Indianapolis, Ind.; and the 4-H Beef Carcass Summary, Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, Nebr.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Using Simmental bulls on Hereford cows
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) McKee, M.; Schalles, R.R.; Zoellner, K.O.
    Fourteen registered Hereford cows in the Kansas State University purebred teaching herd were mated artificially to the Simmental bull Capitaine #1236 in November and December, 1968. The 23 ampules of semen available were used on the first 23 Hereford cows to show estrus following November 20, 1968. Of cows inseminated, six calved as two-year olds, two as three-year olds, one at four years, two at five years, one at eight, and two at ten years of age. The two that calved at five years of age were sold prior to calving. Both calved unassisted but one calf was dead at birth. Only three of the remaining 12 cows calved unassisted. Some of those assisted might have calved unassisted. Early results indicated assistance was good management, as soon as it appeared to be needed.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of winter nutrition levels on cow and calf performance
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Schalles, R.R.; Kiracofe, G.; Drake, C.L.; Reves, C.N.
    Cow and calf performance under four winter-nutrition levels was compared using 34 cows the first year and 87 cows the second year. Cows were maintained on the same nutrition treatment both years with additional cows added the second year, Cows ranged from less than 2 to 11 years of age. Average calving date was early April. A total of 95 calves were included during the two years. Calves were weighed within 24 hours after birth and at monthly intervals from June to November. Cows were weighed each month. All cows were graded and calves were weaned and graded at the November weighing.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Protein, salt, and premix aspects of all-concentrate cattle finishing rations
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Roth, G.M.; Smith, E.F.; Schalles, R.R.
    This test was designed to study the following aspects of all-concentrate rations: (1) salt, (2) supplemental protein (3) self-feeding a protein and premix combination (4) a pelleted premix compared to a mash form, and (5) a repeat trial of soybean meal versus urea as a supplemental protein source.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Urea and soybean meal compared for cows on winter bluestem pasture
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Swanson, R.W.; Smith, E.F.
    This test compared urea supplement (hand-fed), urea supplement (self-fed), and soybean meal (SBM) supplement (hand-fed) with cows on winter bluestem pasture. The supplements were formulated to supply the same amount of protein and total digestible nutrients. Salt was fed free choice with the hand-fed supplement.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Post-weaning performance of calves as affected by longstem hay and pre-weaning creep feeding
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Greathouse, G.; Smith, E.F.
    Mortality in calves at weaning is one of the major problems in the beef industry. Some relief from this problem might be achieved if the calves could be changed from milk and grass to high energy ration with little lapse in time. Many ranchers do not have adequate equipment, labor or time to do this job on the ranch where it could best be done. If a post-weaning management system could be formulated that would be acceptable to the producers of the calves and reduce death and sickness it would be of tremendous benefit. Many local feed companies are in a position to deliver complete rations to a self-feeder in the owner’s lot. The management system proposed here would enable the rancher to use this service.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A biopsy technique to predict quality in the live beef animal with emphasis on tenderness
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Dikeman, Michael E.; Melton, C.C.; Tuma, H.J.; Beecher, G.R.
    Because tenderness is considered the most desired eating characteristic in meat, more emphasis should be placed on this trait in evaluating beef quality in breeding and selection programs. Both tenderness and marbling are highly heritable traits (Heritability = approximately 0.6), therefore much improvement could be made through progeny testing of sires; however, this requires considerable time and expense. This consideration, plus an increasing interest in feeding young beef bulls for market, led to an interest in applying a biopsy technique to evaluate and predict meat quality in the live animal.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Mineral content of feeds grown at various Kansas locations
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Clary, F.G.; Brent, B.E.
    Earlier experiments have shown that cattle may perform differently at different Kansas locations. Feeds from four locations (Manhattan, Mound Valley, Colby, and Garden City) were analyzed for several minerals to see if mineral differences might be responsible. Table 4 shows the results for alfalfa hay. Samples were taken at random and no attempt was made to choose particular varieties. Data for FS 1a sorghum silage is shown in table 5. Table 6 shows mineral analyses for two sorghum grain varieties, and one mixed sample (varieties unknown) taken at each location. The K.S.U. agronomy department carries out annual tests on eleven varieties of forage sorghum at four locations (Garden City, Manhattan, Mound Valley, and Colby). The results are in table 7.