Cattlemen's Day, 1973

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Wind chill for cattle
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Ames, D.R.
    Cattle hides were exposed to cold-wind combinations ranging from -10 ̊F to 35 ̊F and 0 to 35 mph. Heat flow through hides (including hair) was measured and plotted as a function of wind velocity. Prediction equations for heat flow at different cold-wind combinations were formulated and compared with the human wind-chill index used by the U.S. Weather Bureau. Results indicate that wind-chill effects for humans and cattle are similar at low wind velocities (less than 25 mph) but differ at wind velocities greater than 25 mph. over the range of wind velocities studied, a cubic relationship was found for cattle hides rather than the quadratic relationship of the human wind-chill index.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Performance and carcass characteristics of different cattles types—A preliminary report
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Tuma, H.J.; Allen, Dell M.; May, M.L.; Albrecht, M.D.; Dikeman, Michael E.
    This report contains results from the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center Cattle Germ Plasm Evaluation Program. Dr. Keith Gregory and Dr. Hudson Glimp, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska, initiated and designed the cattle germ plasm evaluation program. Dr. Dan Laster and Dr. John Crouse are currently working on the project from the Research Center. Kansas State University and the Livestock Division, C&MS, U.S.D.A. are cooperating on the project.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Beef cattle commercial feedlot studies Trial 1—Effects on steer performance of variable protein levels, implanting, and worming
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Riley, Jack G.; Harrison, K.F.; Good, D.L.
    A 112-day trial used 280 mixed-breed yearling steers to study effects of varying protein levels in finishing steers rations. Crude protein content ranged from 15.1 percent for the first 28 days to 8.9 percent crude protein the final 28 days. Feeding a 15.1% crude protein ration for 28 days and a 13.2% crude protein ration the second 28 days or feeding a 13.2% crude protein ration for the first 56 days did not significantly improve total gain compared with feeding an 11.2% crude protein (control) ration.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Adapted Rumen Microorganisms (ARM) for feedlot cattle
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Riley, Jack G.; Bolsen, K.K.; Good, D.L.
    Two trials using 200 mixed breed steers were conducted to determine effects of 0,3, 6, or 12-ounce drenches of Adapted Rumen Microorganisms (ARM) on subsequent feedlot performance. An 85 percent concentrate ration was fed for 90-days before drenching with ARM. Steers receiving the 12-ounce treatment in trial gained 14.4 pounds more per head during the next 60-day feeding period. The 3 and 6-ounce treatments were less beneficial . The 12-ounce treatment in trial 2 produced a highly significant (P < .01) 15% increase in rate of gain and a 12.5% increase in efficiency compared with the control group.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Summary of feedlot performance and digestibilities of steers fed 13 hybrid sorghum and 2 hybrid corn grains
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) McCollough, R.L.
    Two years and 270 head of steers were used to determine the feeding value of 13 hybrid sorghum grains and 2 hybrid corn grains fed in dry-rolled high-concentrate rations fed to finishing steers. The 15 corn and sorghum hybrids represented 7 endosperm types: hetero-yellow, white, all-waxy (amylopectin-type starch), part-waxy, and bird-resistant endosperm sorghum grains, regular yellow dent corn and high-oil corn. The grains ( 9 hybrids in each of 2 years and 3 hybrids replicated between years) were produced in the same field, and conditions were similar for each year and each hybrid. Each year, 15 head of steers were fed 126 days on each hybrid. Digestibilities were determined with 5 head of steers fed per hybrid in sheltered concrete lots, using chronic oxide.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Digestibility of nine hybrid sorghum grains fed to finishing steers winter 1971-72
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) McCollough, R.L.; Brent, B.E.
    Nine hybrid sorghum grains representing hetero-yellow, all-waxy, white, part-waxy, and white endosperm were fed to finishing steers to determine digestibility. Hybrids were all planted on the same irrigated bottom field and harvested and stored separately till fed. The sorghum grains were dry-rolled and incorporated into 90% concentrate rations. Digestibilities were determined using chromic oxide.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Steam flaking conditions and gelatinization in sorghum grain
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Roth, G.M.; Brent, B.E.; Schalles, R.R.
    Gelatinization was measured in flaked sorghum grain that weighed 16.5 to 47 lbs. a bushel. Samples were steamed from 20 to 50 minutes, and varied in moisture content from 16.9 to 20.9% as they entered the chamber. Gelatinization was measured by an enzymatic gas production technique and compare with an extruded sample assumed to be 100% gelatinized. Each 1 lb. a bushel decrease in weight between 16.5 and 38 lbs. increased gelatinization 3.65 percent. Each 10 min. increase in steaming time increased gelatinization only 1.5%. Changes in grain moisture between 16.9 and 20.9% only slightly influenced gelatinization percentage. Between 20 and 28 lbs./bu., each pound decrease in bushel weight decreased the capacity of the 18” x 24” Ross roller mill 9 lbs. per minute.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Protein blocks for gestating beef cows wintered on bluestem pasture: soybean meal and starea compared
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Shiawoya, E.L.; Harbers, L.H.; Evans, J.D.; McKee, R.M
    Pregnant Hereford and Angus cows wintered on native bluestem pasture were used to compare soybean-meal and Starea-containing blocks and protein supplements. Cow weight changes were similar with both supplements. Consumption of Starea supplement declined throughout the trial, while soybean meal block consumption remained constant.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of organic acids on the preservation and feeding value of dry and high-moisture milo
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Cox, O.J.; Bolsen, K.K.; Riley, Jack G.; Sauer, D.B.
    The four milo treatments studied were: (1) artificially dried, (2) artificially dried+ organic acids, (3) high-moisture ensiled and (4) high-moisture + organic acids. The dry milo and high-moisture milo contained 14 and 24 percent moisture, respectively. Milo in treatments 1, 2, and 4 was stored in unlined concrete bins; milo in treatment 3 was ensiled in an air-tight silo.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Predicted digestible energy and protein intakes of steers grazing bluestem pastures
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Harbers, L.H.; Rao, M.R.
    Digestible protein and energy intakes by steers grazing native bluestem pastures were estimated using prediction equations established at this station. Digestible energy intakes appear to be satisfactory for yearling steers on burned and unburned pastures. Digestible protein intake is probably grater on burned than on unburned pastures; however, that nutrient becomes limiting during the grazing season.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Response of yearling steers to burning, fertilization, and intensive early season stocking of bluestem pasture
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Woolfolk, J.S.; Harbers, L.H.; Schalles, R.R.; Allen, Leland James; Smith, E.F.; Owensby, Clenton E.; owensby
    Four hundred ninety-two acres of native bluestem range were divided into nine pastures for summer grazing by yearling steers. Five pastures were burned April 28; four were not burned. Burned and not burned pastures were treated with 0, 40, or 80 lbs. of nitrogen per acre applied aerially as granular urea. Stocking rates were determined from previous work on herbage production from experimental plots under similar treatments. Both average daily gains and weight gains per acre were greater from each burned treatment than from not burned treatments with similar fertilization and stocking rate. Steers grazing an early-season-stocked pasture intensively for 76 days produced the highest average daily gain of 1.72 lbs. highest gains per acre (137 lbs.) were on the burned pasture that received 80 lbs. of nitrogen per acre.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Four forage sorghum silage additives evaluated
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Bolsen, K.K.; Riley, Jack G.; Hoover, J.D.
    Two trials were conducted to evaluated four forage sorghum silage additives: ammonium iso-butyrate, aureomycin, sodium hydroxide, and a mixture of acetic and propionic acids. A control silage received no additives.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The effect of nitrogen fertilization and annual burning of bluestem pastures on cows, calves, and vegetation
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Woolfolk, J.S.; Schalles, R.R.; Harbers, L.H.; Allen, Leland James; Smith, E.F.; Owensby, Clenton E.
    Six native Bluestem pastures and spring-calving cows were used to evaluate effects of burning and fertilizing pastures. Two pastures were controls, two were burned, and two were burned and fertilized with 40 pounds of urea nitrogen an acre applied aerially. Average daily gain of the calves did not differ significantly among pastures. Pounds of beef produced per acre was significantly higher from the burned, fertilized pastures, which supported heavier stocking rates with increased herbage production.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of late spring burning and nitrogen fertilization on nutritive values of big and little bluestem plants
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Allen, Leland James; Schalles, R.R.; Brent, B.E.; Woolfolk, J.S.; Smith, E.F.
    Effects of late spring burning and nitrogen fertilization on nutritive value of Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardi) and Little Bluestem (Andropogon scoparis) on native rangeland were determined at monthly intervals during the 1972 growing season. Burning significantly decreased dry matter percentage, crude fiber, cell walls, and lignin. Fertilization did not significantly influence any of those factors except for increasing lignin slightly. Big Bluestem had significantly less crude fiber, cells walls, and lignin than Little Bluestem.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Worming steers grazing summer bluestem pasture
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Smith, E.F.; Woolfolk, J.S.
    One hundred and sixty- three black steers averaging 402 pounds were grazed from May 2 to October 3, 1972, on native bluestem pasture. They were assembled by a buying firm in Memphis, Tenn., and delivered March, 1972, averaging about 350 pounds. They were fed corn silage, alfalfa hay, and about 5 pounds of grain each daily until started on test May 2. They were allotted to different pastures described in Table 1. Even numbered steers in each pasture (about half) received one bolus of thiabendazole (15 grams) as a worming agent. The worming agent did not significant affect gains.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Influence of fly control on incidence of pinkeye and on calf performance
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-08) Schalles, R.R.; McKee, M.; Evans, Jack; Davis, Duane L.; Pitts, C.W. Jr.
    Controlling flies significantly decreased incidence of pinkeye in cattle on native Flint Hill range. There was no difference in the average weaning weight of groups sprayed or not sprayed. However individuals severely affected with pinkeye were much lighter than the average.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Supplemental feed for calves prior to weaning
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-08) Woolfolk, J.S.; Conway, K.; Schalles, R.R.; Smith, E.F.
    A mixture of 60% dehydrated alfalfa crumbles and 40% dry rolled sorghum grain was fed ad lib to calves 30 days before weaning. The calves ate an average of 2.6 lbs. per day and gained 0.32 lbs more per day average during the 30 days than calves receiving no supplemental feed. During the next 30 days all calves received the ration ad lib. Calves continuing on the ration gained 0.48 lbs. more per day average than those that had received no supplement before weaning.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of various uterine treatments on calving-to-conception interval
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-08) Kiracofe, G.; Brower, G.R.; Schalles, R.R.
    Cows were given intrauterine infusions of enzymes, antibacterials, bacteria, or a combination of enzymes and antibacterials after calving to study basic changes in the post-partum uterus and effect on rebreeding. The group given nitrofurazone, an antibacterial compound, had the highest conception rate; however, calving-to-conception interval was lengthened. Combining proteolytic enzymes with the nitrofurazone gave an intercal to conception similar to that of control cows. Nitrofurazone caused this uterine lining to erode. Combining enzymes with nitrofurazone prevented some of the erosion. Innoculating the uterus with bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus) after calving did not affect the calving-to-conception interval.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Winter nutrition of spring calving cows on Flint Hills range
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-08) Davis, Duane L.; Schalles, R.R.; Drake, C.L.; Kiracofe, G.; Brent, B.E.; McKee, M.; Evans, Jack
    Energy appears to be the limiting factor in the rations studied. Three lbs. of milo was superior to 1 1/2 lbs. of soybean meal when date of breeding was considered. In the second trial 3 lbs. of alfalfa and 6 lbs. of milo was superior to 3 lbs. of alfalfa hay and 3 lbs. of milo. Delaying feeding grain until after calving did not give satisfactory results. Possibly additional energy was supplemented too late to be effective.