Cattlemen's Day, 1969

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  • ItemOpen Access
    All-in-one high energy sorghum silage compared with and without antibiotic and conventional high energy sorghum silage for feedlot steers
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Smart, L.I.; Drake, C.L.
    Research done here in 1967 and 1968 indicated that adding a complete supplement to forage as it was ensiled gave results equal to using soybean meal at the time of feeding. The research continued to improve the complete silage. Previous work indicated that low levels of antibiotics increased bacterial growth and improved cellulose digestion in vitro. Therefore, two levels of antibiotics were tested in all-in-one silage ensiled and fed during 1968 and 1969.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of pre-slaughter withdrawal from feed on cattle fasted for varying lengths of time
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Carr, T.; Allen, Dell M.; Phar, P.; Cox, R.
    Feedstuffs pass through cattle in approximately four days; however, steam-flaked rations may have a faster rate of passage. How much value do cattle derive from feed fed the last few days prior to slaughter, particularly cattle taken directly from feedlot to slaughter plant? Cattle that have been shrunk kill more easily than those with full intestinal tracts. Perhaps withdrawing cattle from feed 1, 2, or 3 days before they are slaughtered would economically benefit both feeder and slaughterer.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Protein synthesis in the rumen: Ruminal urease inhibition by acetohydroxamic acid
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Adepoju, A.; Portela, F.; Brent, B.E.
    When urea is fed to ruminants, it is immediately converted to ammonia by an enzyme, urease. The ammonia usually becomes available faster than rumen bacteria can convert it to protein. Studies were reported last year (Bulletin 518) on attempts to slow down, or inhibit urease with acetohydroxamic acid. This year effects of acetohydroxamic acid on rumen ammonia, and volatile fatty acid levels in both sheep and cattle have been studied. In both, rumen ammonia was depressed for about 4 hours after feeding, and rumen fluid urea levels were increased, showing that urease was inhibited. Ammonia data for the steers showed no cumulative effect from prolonged use of acetohydroxamic acid, and no residual effect when it was withdrawn from the ration.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Nutritive value of forages as affected by soil and climatic differences
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Clary, F.G.; Brent, B.E.; Richardson, D.; Banbury, Evans E; Spaeth, C.W.; Erhart, A.B.; Arnett, D.W.; Boren, Fred W.; Perry, H.B.
    Wintering and finishing performances of beef steers have been compared at Colby, Garden City, Manhattan and Mound Valley. When feeds were grown locally, cattle at Garden City and Colby outperformed those at Manhattan and Mound Valley (Bulletin 507, 1967). Since all cattle were of the same origin, differences were credited to the climate and/ or feed composition. In 1968-9 (trials 5 and 6), cattle were fed at all locations on feed produced at Garden City. During the wintering phase in trial 5, cattle at Colby and Garden City significantly outgained those at Mound Valley (P<.0l). Performance at Manhattan was intermediate. In trial 6, table 18, during wintering, steers at Manhattan gained faster (P<.01) than those at Colby or Garden City but not those at Mound Valley. Finishing gains did not differ significantly in either trial. Results of the last two tests being more uniform than results of the previous four indicates some of the differences are from the site where the feed is produced.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of winter nutrition level on cow and calf performance
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Schalles, R.R.; Drake, C.L.; Kiracofe, G.
    Cow and calf performance under four winter nutritional levels was evaluated, using 61 purebred Polled and high grade Hereford cows randomly allotted to obtain approximately equal pregnant and open cows in each group. The cows were 1.0 be 4.5 years old, except for two older ones. Average calving date was mid April. Forty-five live calves were born. They were weighed within 24 hours after birth and at monthly intervals from June to November calf was born dead. Cows were weighed each month and rotated among four native bluestem pastures during the entire year. All calves were graded and weaned at the last weighing.
  • ItemOpen Access
    An evaluation of heatmount detectors in beef cattle under range conditions
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Singh, A.R.; Kiracofe, G.H.; Schalles, R.R.
    Kamar heatmount detectors were used last spring on 45 Polled Hereford cows 3 to 12 years old. Bulls ran with the cows. Most cows became pregnant, which lessened observations as the breeding season progressed. Detectors were placed on rumps with adhesive according to directions. Generally, the front edge of the detector was farther to the rear on heavier cattle than on lighter cattle.First observation was May 28, 1968. Observations then were made weekly for 9 weeks, by checking for presence or absence of detectors. All cows that lost detectors or had the detector activated were palpated rectally to determine if ovulation had occurred. If the detector was present and unactivated, it was noted if dye had leaked in the detector.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Identical twin cows on winter bluestem pasture used to measure the value of supplemental feed and of Vitamin A
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Greathouse, G.A.; Swanson, R.W.; Smith, E.F.
    Two pairs of identical twin heifer calves were grazed together on bluestem pasture from 1961 until 1968. During the two winters, 1961-63 each ones daily supplement was 1 pound of ground sorghum grain, 1 pound of soybean oil meal, 20,000 I.U. of Vitamin A and 0.05 lb. of dicalcium phosphate. Salt was always available. The third winter {l963-64}, as bred two year olds, one of each pair was randomly selected to continue receiving the winter supplement, the other to receive only salt and bluestem pasture. They were pastured together, and those fed were separated each morning during the winter to receive the supplement.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Cow weight and preweaning performance of calves
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Singh, A.R.; Schalles, R.R.; Smith, W.H.; Kessler, F.B.
    The influence of cow weight at parturition and during the lactation on preweaning performance of calves was evaluated. Hereford cattle at the Fort Hays Branch Experiment Station were used. Purebred sires had been used many generations in the herd that produced the calves. The calves were born January through April. Cows and calves grazed native pastures without creep feed. Heifers were bred to produce first calves when about three years old. All male calves were castrated by one month of age. Calves were weighed and identified within 24 hours after birth and were again weighed at weaning. They were weaned between September 15 and November 1, at an average age of 263 days. Cows were weight immediately following parturition and when the calves wore weaned.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Different methods of managing bluestem pastures
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Smith, E.F.; Owensby, Clenton E.; Swanson, B.W.; McKendrick, J.D.
    This experiment was to determine the effect of increased early summer stocking and burning on cattle performance, productivity of pastures and range condition as determined by plant population changes. Early stocking at twice the normal rate for the first half the growing season was tried hoping for more gain per acre and cattle ready for dry lot finishing at midsummer. If grass recovers the last half of the season, it could be “mined” the first half when highest in nutritive value.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Sorghum grain, urea or soybean meal as a protein source in all-concentrate cattle finishing rations
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Greathouse, G.A.; Swanson, R.W.; Smith, E.F.; Smart, L.I.; Brent, B.E.
    Results of previous similar research have been reported in Kansas Agicu1tural Experiment Station Bulletins 483, 493, 507, and 518. Trials at several research centers and here have shown that roughage may be satisfactorily omitted from finishing rations for cattle often, reducing feed required per pound of gain. Cattle nay be finished on all-grain diets with only mineral and vitamin supplements when the grain has sufficient protein.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The value of dehydrated alfalfa and delayed grain fed to young cows on winter bluestem
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Swanson, B.W.; Smith, E.F.; Richardson, D.; Drake, C.L.
    This test was to compared the following three winter treatments for young cows on bluestem pasture. Treatment 1 -- One pound of soybean oil meal and 2 pounds of ground sorghum grain per head daily during the entire winter feeding period. Treatment 2 -- One and a half pounds of soybean meal fed per heifer daily until 50 days before the feeding season ended, then ground sorghum grain was fed. The same total amount of sorghum grain as fed under treatment 1 throughout the winter was concentrated during the last 50 days with the soybean oil meal discontinued when grain feeding reached the quantity to supply the same amount of protein as those on treatment 1 received. Treatment 3-- Dehydrated alfalfa fed at 3.3 pounds and ground sorghum grain at 1 pound per heifer daily during the entire winter feeding period.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of weaning ration on reproductive phenomena in beef cows on range
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Kiracofe, G.H.; Schalles, R.R.; Marion, G.B.
    Data are available to indicate proper wintering rations for beef cows under dry lot conditions, but few are available under range management for Kansas. This is our first attempt to determine adequate winter rations for reproductive efficiency in Kansas and to notice reproductive inefficiencies for future study.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Influence of feeding practices and season of birth on calf performance
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Singh, A.R.; Schalles, R.R.; Smith, W.H.; Kessler, F.B.
    The ability of beef cows to produce heavy, vigorous and good quality calves every year is one of their most important economic traits. Feeding practices have been reported to influence average daily gain (ADG) and weaning weight. We evaluated creep-feeding, noncreep-feeding, season of birth, and other factors that affect preweaning performance of calves. At the Fort Hays Branch Experiment Station, Hays, Kansas, purebred sires had been used many generations in the grade Hereford herd. Calves, born in both spring and fall, were randomly allotted to creep-fed and noncreep-fed groups every year. Cows and calves grazed native pastures.