Office of the Registrar Staff Publications

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  • ItemOpen Access
    SQl/DS Tool Support and Third-Party Vendors: What's on the Horizon?
    Eaton, Roger G.; reaton
    In the beginning, there was SQL/DS. Developed by IBM as an expansion to Sequel (a derivative of its first relational DBMS effort, System R), it served VSE/SP installations, and later, VM/SP. Its reception was lukewarm. SQL/DS was slow out of the gate, perhaps due to the lack of complimentary products. Managing an SQL/DS database requires more set-up than the standard VSAM delete and define. Although the number of SQL/OS licenses has reached 7,500 to 8,000, few shops have given SQL/DS the nod as their "first team" data structure.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Synonyms: The appendix of SQL/DS?
    Eaton, Roger G.; reaton
    As I lay in my hospital room recovering from an emergency appendectomy, the surgeon described the operation. His confidence was comforting; that is, until he tried to explain the purpose of the tissue he had removed from me so hastily. He couldn't find the right words. And as he attempted to convince me that he really did know about appendixes, I concluded that he really didn't know their purpose. His interest in appendixes surfaced only when they became infected.
  • ItemOpen Access
    I-Case Best Solution for 401K Team: Quick and Effective Impressed Twentieth Century Users
    Eaton, Roger G.; reaton
    The solution was not exactly gift-wrapped, but our investment management company was able to respond to a competitive market effectively with the help of an integrated CASE tool. By effectively, I mean the solution satisfied the user's requirements at the time it was implemented.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Repositories, data dictionaries, and encyclopedias for SQL/DS
    Eaton, Roger G.; reaton
    Justified Confusion and wonderment exists about the support of repositories, data dictionaries, and encyclopedias for the SQL/DS platform. In my role as an SQL/DS DBA, I was obliged to design and develop my own data dictionary. During the process, I developed an understanding of the various genre of development support databases. At their highest level of definition, reposi tories, encyclopedias, and data dictionaries are databases that support applications development. I may get some argument about this definition from business data modeling people, but hey, most of us are paid to deliver business systems. A business model is only valuable (to most of us, anyway) if it leads to a business solution. Thus, I refer to repositories, encyclopedias, and data dictionaries as applications-development support databases. For our purposes, let's agree that designing a business model is part of the applications-development process.
  • ItemOpen Access
    SQL/DS: New Horizons
    Eaton, Roger G.; reaton
    One of the virtues of SQL/ OS is an optimizer to perform data access path selection. Because SQL/DS's optimizer determines data access paths, SQL/DS provides the EXPLAIN command to retrieve information about optimizer decisions. You may consider it a window to the instruction will examine (cardinality) and an estimate of the number of times each instruction will executed.
  • ItemOpen Access
    CASE Weight Test: A hands on approach to comparing and selecting CASE tools at Twentieth Century Services
    Eaton, Roger G.; Hayes, Karl W.; reaton
    R.G. Eaton and Karl W. Hayes are spearheading the implementation oflnformation Engineering (IE) at Twentieth Century Services, Inc. in Kansas City, MO. Twentieth Century had already decided on the need for automating an IE approach, so their task was straight forward: form a research group with the goal of comparing CASE vendOrs and recommending one toolset.