Kansas State University Salina Faculty Research, Publications, and Presentations

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of Cutting Fluid on Micromilling of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy
    Ziberov, M.; Silva, M. B. D.; Jackson, Mark; Hung, W. N. P.; mjjackson; Jackson, Mark
    This paper studies the micromilling of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. The main objective of this work is to study the performance of micromill tools in terms of burrs, machined surface and tool wear in machining of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy and evaluate the effect of the application of cutting fluid. Experimental micromilling tests with 152.4 μm diameter WC tools were made. The tests were carried out on a four axis CNC milling machine with maximum spindle speed of 60,000 rpm and a resolution of 0.1 μm. To measure the burr height, a profilometer with 1.0 mm measuring range and 16 nm resolution was used. The samples and tools were observed under scanning electron microscope to evaluate the machined surface quality, to measure wear and to analyse wear mechanisms. The results show that the application of cutting fluid has a large effect on the quality of the machined parts, both in terms of burrs formed and in terms of machined surface quality. Depending on the cutting conditions, the relative size of the burrs formed is much higher than in macromachining operations. Built up edges on cutting tool affects tool life and surface finish. © 2016 The Authors
  • ItemOpen Access
    Communication about sexual health and decision making with adolescents in foster care
    (2014-02-27) Pilgrim, Sarah; spilgrim
    This study uses original data to identify predictors of communication between child welfare workers in a Midwestern state and the adolescents they serve who are residing in foster care regarding their sexual health and decision making. Quantitative analysis was used to identify statistically significant models of communication between child welfare workers and adolescents residing in foster care regarding their sexual health and decision making. The comfort level of child welfare workers around discussing sexual health issues with adolescents residing in foster care was found to be a significant predictor in five out of six regression models.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Implementing COOL: comparative welfare effects of different labeling schemes
    (2014-02-21) Joseph, Siny; Lavoie, Nathalie; Caswell, Julie A.; siny
    Country-of-origin labeling (COOL) is being implemented in different forms and degrees in the United States and other countries across the world. The first implementation of mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) in the United States was for seafood in 2005. This is an example of partial MCOOL because it exempts the foodservice sector and excludes processed seafood from labeling. Using a conceptual framework, we analyze the welfare impacts of partial MCOOL when compared to no, voluntary, and total mandatory COOL, taking into account imperfect competition in the downstream markets, information asymmetry, and diversion of low-quality product to the unlabeled market. The model is general enough to apply to any incomplete regulation for which the perceived low-quality product is required to be labeled, such as the labeling of genetically modified food in the European Union. Our results show that when consumers have a strong enough preference for domestic relative to imported product, regulators can overestimate the gain in consumer welfare from partial mandatory labeling if they ignore the diversion of lower quality imports to the unlabeled sector. We show that if the preference for domestic product is large enough, total MCOOL benefits the home market the most overall, including domestic consumers and producers, but not the imperfectly competitive downstream agents. However, if total MCOOL is too costly to implement, partial MCOOL is the second-best solution, but only if consumers falsely believe the unlabeled product to be of higher quality than it truly is. Our results suggest more research is needed to determine the extent to which consumers value the information provided by MCOOL and to enable regulators to consider the welfare impact of diversion in evaluating incomplete mandatory labeling regulations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    How COOL is U.S. Shrimp trade?
    (2014-02-18) Joseph, Siny; Lavoie, Nathalie; Caswell, Julie; Siny
    We investigate the economic impact of partial implementation of COOL on U.S. shrimp trade by developing a conceptual model that encompasses horizontal and vertical product differentiation. Horizontal differentiation is characterized by explicitly accounting for differences in shrimp processing – fresh or frozen versus peeled, canned, or breaded. Vertical differentiation in the conceptual model is captured by two scenarios – presence and absence of COOL – on trade between major shrimp exporters and United States. COOL implementation results in quality disclosure through origin labeling and additional costs of labeling on fresh and frozen shrimp sold at retail while processed shrimp products are excluded from labeling. The conceptual model indicates a change in product mix with COOL implementation: the relative share of processed shrimp increases when compared to unprocessed shrimp. Empirically testing the hypothesis using an econometric model shows there is no change in the product mix in the two scenarios. The results however change depending on the choice of variable used to proxy quality.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Experiences of Using a Collaborative Programming Editor in a First-Year Programming Course
    (2014-02-17) Harding, Troy D; tdh
    Recent research has demonstrated that collaborative learning can be an effective method for engaging millennial students.1,2 This paper highlights experiences of using a collaborative editor to facilitate learning in a first-year programming course. The paper will describe how the collaborative editor was customized for the class and how it was utilized by the teacher and the students. The web-based editor allowed students to see and edit the same program file and then execute the program individually without leaving the web browser. The editor became an effective classroom tool in the flipped learning model utilized in this course. Qualitative data were collected through the use of observations and surveys. The author discusses what was learned about the impact on students’ attitudes, learning and quality of work for this class. Challenges are also described, as well as recommendations for enhancements.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Toward the Establishment of Discernment Theory: A Phenomenological Study of Discernment in Strategic Leadership Decision Making
    (2014-02-17) Hurlbut, Bryan G.; bryanhur
    The purpose of this research is to study and learn the basis for discernment as a strategic leadership decision mechanism and whether it can be validated and mapped as a process due to the increased demand for spiritually minded leaders in the workforce (Ivancevich et al., 2011; Phipps, 2012; Yukl, 2010). Since discernment begins as a non-cognitive decision-making process, it requires structure and guidelines so that strategic leaders may feel secure in using or denying it. The scope of this research involves multiple levels of leaders from within the Four square denomination in the state of Kansas. The primary questions being addressed are how discernment is used in strategic leadership decisions; whether discernment is part of, expands or replaces purely cognitive decision-making; whether discernment can be attributed to intuition or vice versa; and, the dynamics that exist when group discernment experiences agree with or contradict the individual participants. The effect of this research is to help identify possible flaws in decision making among constituents who rely on discernment so such flaws may be observed and avoided, and to identify ways to capitalize on discernment in the strategic leadership decision making process. The results of this research yield multiple discernment observations, namely: a 13-step identifying process, diminishing factors, relational interests, self-awareness factors, the importance of backward looking, the involvement of anxiety aversion and observations on group dynamics.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Communication technology and post-divorce coparenting
    (2012-09-12) Ganong, Lawrence H.; Coleman, Marilyn; Feistman, Richard; Jamison, Tyler; Markham, Melinda S.; mmarkham
    Divorced individuals who share parenting responsibilities have to figure out ways to work together to raise their children. The purpose of this qualitative study of 49 divorced coparents was to examine how they used technology (e.g., cell phones, computers) to communicate. For parents in effective coparenting relationships, communication technologies made it easier for them to plan and make conjoint decisions about their children while living apart. Communication technology, however, did not necessarily make coparenting easier if parents were contentious. Contentious parents used communication technologies as tools to: (a) reduce conflicts, (b) withhold information, (c) limit the ability of the coparent to have input into child-rearing decisions, and (d) try to influence the behavior of the coparent.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dumping PowerPoint In Favor of Web Sites
    (2011-04-07) Bower, Timothy L.; tim
    This paper describes how comprehensive web sites (online study guides) are being used as a tool to deliver course material. Such a delivery tool may not be needed for all courses, but feedback from students suggests that web pages provide improved delivery of course material. Students report that having a complete site with all course material presented in hierarchical order with links to related internal and external material gives the course more structure and that the material is more convenient to access. Although the specific software tool used to create these study guides is held in high regard, the intent is to present the value of online study guides as a teaching tool rather than the merits of a specific program. Other educators may prefer to use a different program to develop study guides. While teaching an online class, a new software tool was used to facilitate the development of a web site containing the course material. The objective was to provide additional instruction and reference material to compensate for not being with the students in person. Although the students had the textbook and recorded lectures with accompanying slides (PowerPoint), an additional resource seemed to be needed to guide them through the course material. Similar web sites were later developed for three traditional classroom courses. In these classes, the course material web sites were called online study guides. A study guide falls between a textbook and lecture slides in terms of the level of detail to the material presented.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Where is the Love? Using the Black Eyed Peas to Reach Expository Writing Students
    (2011-04-07) Blackburn, Heidi; Molidor, Jennifer; hblackbu; molidor1
    Over the last year, the K-State at Salina Library has created and renovated a project utilizing contemporary music as a way to connect with students and provide research topics in an Expository Writing course. In 2003, the song “Where Is the Love?” by international music sensation The Black-Eyed Peas, swept the tops of billboard charts. With a hip-hop vibe and boundary-crossing critique of war, terrorism, discrimination, and hate crimes, the song’s themes moved fans of all ages, races, and backgrounds. Using this connection, our project emphasizes cross-departmental collaboration, and is grounded in the belief that in Freshman Composition courses the writing professor and the research librarian must work together for successful writing and research based projects. In “Writing Information Literacy: Contributions to a Concept” Rolf Norgaard (2003) urges librarians and writing instructors to have “informed conversation between writing and information literacy as disciplines and fields of endeavor.” Following this approach, the results of our activity initiated a coordinated restructuring of the library-writing course curriculum. This paper will focus on student learning outcomes, challenges of the activity, student feedback, and post-assessment adjustments.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Understanding the Sights, Sounds, Feelings, Taste and Smells of Commercial Air Travel
    (2010-07-08T16:09:51Z) Smith, Andrew T.; atsmith
    This paper and presentation will provide knowledge about general and technical aspects of flight and air travel including security, ground operations, flight operations, airline personnel training, responsibilities and more.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of the ETA 020 Freshman Seminar Course
    (2010-07-08T15:46:32Z) Kinsler, Les; Leite, Pedro; Williamson, Matt; kinsmo; pleite; mattwill
    Research has shown that the freshman year can be crucial for the success or failure of first year students. The first-year experience for undergraduate students has been a topic of concern in our College for some time now - specially when it relates to student success, satisfaction, and retention. Our students come from diverse backgrounds, different levels of academic preparation, age levels, and socio-economic backgrounds. Some are not even sure if they are in the right place to start with. These factors can make the transition to post-secondary education very difficult for most students, specially the freshman class. This paper discusses the evolution of the Freshman Seminar course (ETA 020) from inception to its current configuration. Topics include the events and forces driving the format and topic changes of the course, outcome expectations by faculty, students' course evaluation, and plans for expected changes.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Broad-Based Student Learning Outcomes: An Assumed Assessment Reality Check Experience In Aviation
    (2010-07-08T15:40:22Z) Barnard, Kenneth W.; barnard
    Broad based Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) are being used and are becoming commonplace as accreditation requirement processes. Assessment of these SLO’s are then required to ensure the SLO’s are being met by the education entity. The problem then becomes one of identifying valid assessment tools. When assumptions are made in education knowledge levels or even skill performance, assessment error can occur. In aviation we have specific knowledge and skill performance levels set by Federal Regulations. One of our assumptions was students that met or exceeded these established and measurable standards were then ready to met our SLO’s. One such SLO states for example that: “Students will be highly skilled professional aviators who understand the national airspace system and can interface with all facets of the air traffic control system”. To our surprise our students did not meet this SLO. This shortcoming came to our attention when we put our students in the right seat (serving Co-Pilot duties) of our C90 and C525 university transportation aircraft. The transportation Captain’s feedback related that the operational and performance level of the students was very low and did not meet basic standard expectations. To address this training short fall, PPIL 416 Crew Resource Management course was designed using a Flight Training Device similar to the C525 jet where Line Orientation Flight Training scenarios were flown. The student knowledge and skill level was improved dramatically to the point that we do meet the SLO. Direct feedback from the employer or in this case a quasi employer where the student is actually performing the mission their education and training is designed for is a necessary element for validating broadly stated Student Learning Outcome’s. This lesson should be applicable across disciplines.