Articles — The National Advisor (1985); Academic Athletic Journal (1986-2006)
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There were 168 items published in The National Advisor and Academic Athletic Journal over the 22 years (1985-2006) and 31 issues collected. Of these, 99 were empirical studies and 69 were non-empirical items (e.g., editorials, commentaries, literature reviews, book reviews). Issues were not published in 1998 or 2004. After 2006, N4A ceased publication of the Academic Athletic Journal.
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Item Open Access Career Counseling and Student-Athletes: A Needs Assessment(1994) Etzel, Edward F.; Barrow, John C.; Pinkney, James W.The self-reported personal/social needs of a random sample of 170 college student-athletes and a general student sample (n=300) at a Division I institution were compared. The authors used a needs assessment survey with 54 Likert items modified from an instrument by Talley (1985) and 14 additional items about athletic competition and counseling services. Usable surveys returned were 201 total from both groups. Survey data revelated that both groups shared many needs. Respondents indicated that career-related concerns and various sources of stress associated with participation in athletics were of primary concern. Findings provide suggestions for the planning and delivery of helping services to student-athletes and non-athletes.Item Open Access The Athletic Dream: The Quest for Work Equality in an Unequal Society(1994) Parmer, Twinet; Coleman, Victoria D.African American males have not been afforded adequate access to the work place, and therefore, their work history has been characterized by underemployment and unemployment. However, many African American males have adopted the athletic dream as a path to fame, status, and equality. The purpose of this article was to discuss the quest for equality through the athletic dream in a society where social, cultural and economic factors limit career development and subsequent work experiences.Item Open Access Reality Therapy in Athletic Counseling: Applications for College Student-Athletes(1994) Bartolini, Brian J.Reality Therapy is a useful theoretical framework when working with the college student-athlete population. With its biological foundation in Control Theory, Reality Therapy offers an explanation of how and why human beings behave in this world and provides specific procedure to help client make positive change in their lives. This paper briefly outlined the major principles of Reality Therapy/Control Theory and applied them to some common issues facing college student-athletes (e.g., academic, career, athletic).Item Open Access Perceptions of the Intercollegiate Athletic Experience: Perspectives from NCAA Division I and Division III(1994) Strean, William B.Although the structure of intercollegiate athletic has been critiqued virtually since its inception, little is known about how that structure influences student-athletes' experiences. Differences between a business model (producing mass- scale, revenue-generating programs) and an educational model (operating athletics as a student service) were assessed by interviewing 14 graduating senior male basketball and football players from a NCAA Division I University and a NCAA Division III College. Results indicated difference including (a) time commitment, (b) motivation to participate, (c) role conflict/complementarity, (d) perceived attitudes of coaches, and (e) the role of athletics in the college experience. Findings were discussed with respect to recent rule changes and current advocacy in intercollegiate athletic programs. Implications for athletic academic counselors were addressed. This study can be seen as having both phenomenological and hermeneutic intentions.Item Open Access Readers Respond: Student-Athlete Development: Balance is Key(1994) Hill, Thomas L.The author responded to the previous article by Gerdy by arguing that having advisors/athlete development staff in athletics is not necessarily a detriment to athletes as a unique population on campus. He argued that athletic staff can liaise with student affairs staff and be hired with appropriate knowledge and experience.Item Open Access Keeping a Watchful Eye on Continuing Eligibility(1994) Schliesman, Earl S.; Dunn, Jody S.New continuing eligibility regulations require systematic attention in order to assure total compliance. The parallel system described takes into account the rules for continuing eligibility of student-athletes and methods for the administration of continuing eligibility. The data were entered by hand onto a personal computer using Quattro-Pro to manage the information and produce reports. Given the complexity of continuing eligibility regulations and the seriousness of the consequences of falling short in any area, it is necessary to persist in creating accurate and innovative ways to assure compliance.Item Open Access Student-Athletes' Development: An Institutional Responsibility(1994) Gerdy, John R.At most NCAA Division institutions, the academic and social development of the student-athlete has increasingly become the sole responsibility of the athletics department. However, the current athletic reform movement calls for increased integration of the athletics department into the overall university community. The increased emphasis in this area offers university student affairs departments a unique opportunity to become more involved in the personal and academic development of the student-athlete.Item Open Access Career Preparation and the College Football Player(1994) Muczko, John P.; Thompson, Mark A.The lives of collegiate student-athletes are filled with needs: assistance in general scheduling/managing of campus activities, academic counseling, and career preparation. While it is generally accepted that all three areas are part of the challenges for academic athletic counselors, career preparation through a sound academic program is the fulfilling purpose of student-athletes. However, the number of graduating student athletes, particularly college football players, does not reflect this attitude. The purpose of this article was to present an overview of the college football player and information supporting the importance of strong academic athletic counseling.Item Open Access Developing Career Development Profiles of Student-Athletes: A Comparison with Non-Athletes(1994) Wooten, Jr., H. Ray; Usher, Clair H.; Osborne, W. L.Student-athletes' and non-athletes' scores on several career-related assessments were compared. During the 1990-91 academic year at a medium-sized, state-supported university in the South, a sample of 41 student-athletes (83% males and 17% females) and 178 non-athletes (29% males and 71% females) completed the Values Scale (Super & Nevill, 1985b), Career Development Inventory (Super, Thompson, Lindeman, Jordaan, & Myers, 1981), and Salience Inventory (Super & Nevill, 1985a). Completion of these instruments was required for a semester-long, three-credit course in career/life planning. The student-athletes were non-revenue scholarship athletes representing a NCAA Division II institution in soccer, basketball, and tennis. Both groups contained students representing all class ranks, with a majority in both groups being white (93% of the student-athlete group and 69% of the non-athlete group. Results of two-way ANOVAs indicated that student-athletes highly value physical activity and spend more time in leisure activities than non-athletes. Only one significant gender effect was found: females had a higher score on the combined knowledge scale (M = 100.29) than males (M = 85.16) (F(1, 138) = 8.43, p < .006). The combined knowledge scale score is a linear combination of scores in decision-making and world-of-work information. This result indicates that females may be better able to apply career development principles to decision-making scenarios as well as demonstrate more knowledge of what it takes to get a job and succeed. No differences in career maturity scores were found. Implications for programming to accommodate the special needs of student-athletes are discussed.Item Open Access Supervising Academic Athletic Counseling(1994) Anderson, Mark B.; Van Raalte, Judy L.There has been much discussion in the academic athletic counseling literature about "how to" deliver services to various populations. However, little attention has been devoted to the "quality control" of these services. One important way of maintaining service quality is through the supervision of academic athletic counselor trainees and practitioners. The purpose of this article was twofold: first, to present supervision models particularly pertinent to the field of academic athletic counseling; and second, to present issues and problems commonly encountered in the supervision of academic athletic counselor trainees and practitioners.Item Open Access Letter from the Publisher(1985) Esquinas, RichardEqsuinas reiterated the importance of scholarship in this growing field. He highlighted a partnership between the Career Guidance Association and N4A to publish the journal.Item Open Access Building Rapport with Student-Athletes: A Survey of Counselor Strategies(1993) Green, Kelly E.; Denson, Eric L.The importance of rapport in counseling student-athletes is commonly accepted, but the process of developing rapport has received little attention. Members of the National Association of Academic Advisors for Athletics (N4A) completed a questionnaire about methods they believed were important and effective in building rapport with student-athletes. The Student-Athlete Rapport Survey (SARS) was developed to elicit responses from academic advisors and athletic counselors about the methods they use to build rapport. The survey was sent to 385 members of the N4A; 213 usable surveys were returned (55%). Respondents also descnbed the ways in which they enticed student-athletes to use the services offered. Results and implications for athletic counselors were discussed. The methods most frequently endorsed as "very effective" were those in which counselor/athlete contact was either encouraged or required. The most effective methods of developing rapport were inviting student-athletes into the counselor's office, requiring them to meet the counselor in the office, and the coaches' requiring student-athletes to meet with the counselor.Item Open Access Gender Differences in University Student-Athletes' Expressed Levels of Academic and Athletic Motivation(1993) Snyder, Peter L.The purpose of this study was to examine possible differences between male and female student-athletes in regard to their expressed levels of academic versus athletic motivation. A survey conducted among 670 student-athletes at five campuses of a large western university system revealed differences between males and females in the level of motivation they expressed for pursuing athletic versus academic success. The survey included a 4 point Likert scale assigned by response for seven scenarios: road trip, preregistration, field trip, graduation choice, final exam study, roommate choice and late start opions. Teams on three of the campuses surveyed compete at the Division I level, whereas teams on the remaining two compete in Division III. At both divisional levels, females expressed greater academic motivation than did their male counterparts. Implications of these results for university administrators and counselors were discussed.Item Open Access Career Issues of the Female Student-Athlete(1993) Coleman, Victoria D.; Barker, Shirl A.This article discussed the career development needs, issues, and concerns of female student-athletes, a group which faces a variety of problems that are not encountered by male student-athletes. Implications for counseling female student-athletes are identified.Item Open Access Academic Libraries and Athletic Departments: A Nurturing Collaboration(1993) Jesudason, MelbaStudent-athletes must meet the demands of the NCAA regulations known as Propositions 48, 42, and16 to be eligible for athletic scholarships. University libraries can develop nurturing relationships with athletic departments. This article described how College Library at the University of Wisconsin, Madison helps with recruitment of "at-risk" student-athletes through precollege outreach programs and with retention by initiating contact and by presenting library user skill modules for student-athletes.Item Open Access Advising Female and Male Student-Athletes: How Gender Differences Affect the Advising Process(1993) Gruber, Carol A.There is much discussion in the advising profession today regarding the special needs of student-athletes. However, the issue of how gender affects the advising process has been a neglected topic. How does being male or female affect the way students behave in academic and athletic settings? How does gender affect self-esteem, expectations for success, stress, and the resulting behavior of student-athlete populations? How do these issues and advisors' own assumptions affect the way they advise students? This paper began a much needed exploration of this important topic.Item Unknown Support Services and the Division I Student-Athlete: Experiences, Needs, and Implications(1993) Meyer, Barbara B.This paper examined typical support service experiences of Division I football and men's basketball players. Specifically, the paper provided insight into the types ot support services generally received by Division I revenue-producing sport student-athletes, discussed perceptions of these services and the service providers, and offered opinions on how future student-athletes might be better served. The author interviewed 26 former athletes from football and men's basketbal who graduated from a particular institution about academic support, career support, support personnel, and mising links. They shared their thoughts on their advisors and tutors, location of support services, time of day to access support, whether or not study hall was effective, and other topics of interest (e.g., drug and alcohol awareness). Based on these findings, both long- and short-term recommendations for athletic personnel were proposed, including the need for more in-house career development programming for athletes.Item Unknown An Investigation of Academic Accountability among Student-Athletes(1993) Sailes, Gary A.This investigation examined the degree of control that college studentathletes felt they had regarding their academic experiences. The author developed a questionnaire and administered it to 918 male athletes at over 100 Division I institutions. Findings indicated that student-athletes have high academic aspirations but face structural as well as personal obstacles in maintaining control over their academic experiences. Time demands of their sports, lack of high school preparation, and inadequate personal study habits collectively contribute to the academic problems experienced by student-athletes. In addition. partial qualifiers under Proposition 48, All-American student-athletes, and white student-athletes demonstrate morecontrol over and more seriousness about their academic experiences when compared to Proposition 48 full qualifiers, all other student-athletes, and black student-athletes, respectively.Item Unknown Occupational Interest Patterns and Personality Styles of Freshman Student-Athletes(1993) Denson, Eric L.; Jordan, Janice M.; Green, Kelly E.; Harris, Jennifer A.The existence and relationship of common personality styles and occupational orientations were explored. The study considered Holand's (1973) vocational theory and Strack's (1991) eight basic personality types. Student-athletes (n=36) and non-athletes (n=17) enrolled in a freshman seminar for physical education majors (males = 63%) completed the Personality Adjective Check List (Straclk, 1991) and the Strong Interest Inventory (Hansen & Campbell, 1985). The results suggest that student-athletes and non-athletes differ on several personality and occupacional variables and that personality sryle has an important relationship to occupational orientation and interests. A specific profile for athletes based on personality and vocational type did not emerge. Implications for athletic counseling professionals were discussed.Item Open Access Identity Foreclosure, Athletic Identity, and College Sport Participation(1993) Good, Alan J.; Brewer, Britton W.; Petitpas, Albert J.; Van Raalte, Judy L.; Mahar, Matthew T.A study was conducted with 502 college students (246 non-athletes, 90 intramural athletes, and 166 intercollegiate athletes) to investigate the relationship between self-identity variables (i.e., identity foreclosure and athletic identity) and college sport participation. The researchers used two scales, the foreclosure subscale of the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (OM-EIS, Adams et al., 1979) and the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS, Brewer et al., 1993). Results indicated that identity foreclosure and athletic identity increase with level of sport participation. Identity foreclosure was significantly lower for upperclass students than for underclass students among non-athletes, but not among intramural and intercollegiate student-athletes. No gender differences were found. These findings suggested that intercollegiate student-athletes may commit to the role of "athlete" without exploring alternative identities. Implications of the results for the academic and career development of student-athletes were discussed. "The results of this study imply that college student-athletes may identify strongly with the athlete role to the extent that they fail to explore alternative identities." - p. 8