Journalism and Mass Communications Students' Media-National Science Foundation Funded Research

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JMC student produced films which highlight National Science Foundation (NSF) Funded Research which is being conducted on the Kansas State University Campus


Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Hungry Heartland: The Cuba Story
    (Kansas State University, 2018) Bresser, Jack; Schippers, Desiree; Yu, Han; Joglekar, Shreepad; Hallaq, Tom G.
    Most of the 150 or so residents of Cuba, Kansas are above the age of 60. Citizens grow their own vegetables in home gardens and share the surplus with their neighbors. The Cuba Cash Store is a central gathering place and the lifeblood of the community. Closing down the store means closing down the town. This story is told through the voices of the townsfolk.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Starving Students: A Pike Valley Story
    (Kansas State University, 2018) Carter, Emma; Yu, Han; Joglekar, Shreepad; Hallaq, Tom G.
    It takes a village to feed hungry school children. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Pike Valley school district where local food producers donate their products to a unique school lunch program. At the Pike Valley Elementary and Junior High School, any child can get seconds any day of the school week. The donated food includes fresh produce and high quality meats, all originating from local farms.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Hungry Heartland: College Students
    (Kansas State University, 2018) Howard, Bridget; Jaeger, Natalie; Yu, Han; Joglekar, Shreepad; Hallaq, Tom G.
    Kansas State University is only one of many college campuses in a food desert. Student on limited incomes and often without reliable transportation can find themselves with limited access to unprocessed food. When Sophia Doss came to K-State from California, she had no idea she would face challenges of getting fresh food for a meal.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Farmers and Food Deserts
    (Kansas State University, 2018) Budke, Brady; Huntington, Bret; Yu, Han; Joglekar, Shreepad; Hallaq, Tom G.
    Kansas farmers produce much of the nation’s crops including wheat, beef, corn and sorghum, yet many of these farmers live more than 10 miles from a grocery store, placing them in food deserts. This story shows how anyone can be a farmer and anyone can provide fresh food for their family through community gardening and farmer’s markets.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Food Deserts: Grocers
    (Kansas State University, 2018) Condrey, Adam; Miller, Grant; Partin, Sara; Smee, Erin; Moberly, Benjamin; Wohaska, Emily F.; Drak, Micah; Smith, Dakota; Yu, Han; Joglekar, Shreepad; Hallaq, Tom G.
    Flat sales, declining growth, and increased competition from large corporate chains are just some of the challenges faced by rural grocers. These rural grocers are a vital resource for the small-town residents they serve. Yet much of the fresh produce goes to waste because of grocers are often required to purchase larger quantities than they can sell.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Kansas State University) Kirakosyan, Arpine; Reed, Brittany; Hallaq, Tom G.; aarpine; thallaq; Kirakosyan, Arpine; Reed, Brittany; Hallaq, Tom G.
    I do a national community outreach of scholars (graduate students and academics) who might feel isolated in a predominantly white institution, due to being from a traditionally under-represented group. This is a trend in Science Technology Engineering and Math fields and beyond in higher education. We usually get together 2-3 times a year, do a retreat, workshops, connect with like-minded folks, and work on our scholarship individually or collaboratively while being supported. I have opened up this opportunity to anyone from K-State and beyond, and any funds obtained after paying for costs for such events go back into coordinating our next event. I would love to coordinate a media project that would perhaps be an introduction of why such community outreach and interdisciplinary support is needed across the field. 
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Kansas State University) Cannizzaro, Anthony R.; Hallaq, Tom G.; tcanzz; thallaq; Cannizzaro, Anthony R.; Hallaq, Tom G.
    I wanted to reach out about the work I've been doing with Relevate, which is a mobile hub for trustworthy and relevant romantic relationship resources. We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers who are on a mission to make research-based information about romantic relationships accessible to all. We would like media products that target our collaborators (other researchers) to get them to want to share their research and engage with the Relevate website and app. In doing so we would also want some content that talked about the value of Relevate for end users, too. 
  • ItemOpen Access
    Feed The World - Biological & Agricultural Engineering Research
    (Kansas State University) Manougian, Eric J.; White, Patrick W.; Hallaq, Tom G.; emanougian; pww; thallaq; Manougian, Eric J.; White, Patrick W.; Hallaq, Tom G.
    Dr. Sharda and his colleagues and students do work in precision agriculture to increase efficiency of farming through innovations in farm machinery, sensors and technology, and agronomic algorithm development. We want to get the word out about this research to the public, farming stakeholders, and potential industry partners.
  • ItemOpen Access
    National Agricultural Biosecurity Center
    (Kansas State University) Mach, Carolina C.; Olberding, Lisa Marie; Hallaq, Tom G.; lisa43; ccmach; thallaq; Mach, Carolina C.; Olberding, Lisa Marie; Hallaq, Tom G.
    Animal Disease Response Training is a one-day, eight-hour awareness-level course for the non-traditional agricultural responder in rural communities. Many of those on the front line of defense during a high-consequence animal disease outbreak will not come from a primary workforce involved in emergency response. As state and federal agencies become involved during the escalation of the response, those at the local level will be able to provide more effective support if they understand the concepts involved in biosecurity, quarantine, cleaning and disinfection, euthanasia and disposal, and other response related concepts. Through better understanding of the concepts and a familiarity with the terminology used in high-consequence animal disease response, the non-traditional responder will be able to provide more timely and effective assistance. These classes will be taught throughout the US using mobile training teams and logistical support from National Agricultural Biosecurity Center.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Drama Therapy
    (Kansas State University) Penner, Evan M.; Garcia, Reina R.; Hallaq, Tom G.; reinag; evanmpenner; thallaq; Penner, Evan M.; Garcia, Reina R.; Hallaq, Tom G.
    I would love to have someone to work on capturing the creation of an original play done by the Barrier-Free Theatre, which is part of the Drama Therapy Program. Barrier-Free Theatre is an acting troupe of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and K-State students. Each year they choose an idea to create a play about and develop it through improvisation. The whole process goes from September through April, but the creation of the play happens in the fall. We end up with the first read through of the play before the end of the fall semester. If that does not seem to be something that is doable, the drama therapy program has a number of projects that we could get permission from families to be documented because the families love what we do for their children. We have an after school drama class for children on the autism spectrum, an after school class for middle-schoolers with autism who make films, and an after school class for high school kids with autism who make films. The high school group has been doing this together for about 5 years (they started in middle school). And if that doesn’t seem to be doable, I have a scholarship of teaching and learning project I’m working on with my Drama Therapy with Special Populations class. I have had an article published about the use of the class to dissolve stigma about people with disabilities in college-aged students and am currently following that up with a quantitative study using the Bogardus scale which identifies how “closely” people would be willing to interact with people with specific conditions (it’s often used for ethnic distance/closeness in terms of stigma and discrimination, but it has been the go-to scale for studying disability, too).
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Kansas State University) Curtis, Katherine; Hallaq, Tom; Curtis, Katherine; Hallaq, Tom
    A team of three scientists from Kansas State University, Michigan State University and the Desert Botanical Garden are investigating polyploidy (the condition of having more than one set of chromosomes) and diversity in the plant genus Phlox (Polemoniaceae). While polyploidy is considered to play an important role in plant evolution, our current knowledge of ploidy level variation relative to diversity is limited. This project investigates questions of general interest on polyploidy and diversity and integrates findings to advance a broader understanding of the role of polyploidy in the diversification of plants.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Kansas State University) Shores, Andrew; Hallaq, Tom; Shores, Andrew; Hallaq, Tom
    This project is developing a web-based, validated instrument to monitor, as the academic term progresses, student understanding of a wide range of introductory physics concepts. The distinguishing feature of the approach is a between-student testing mode of inquiry that allows assessment on a weekly timescale. The system rests upon a well-established body of research on student learning, forgetting, re-learning, and interference. Because large student numbers are necessary for statistical analysis, the system is particularly appropriate for the canonical "large lecture class" of 200-400 students (or larger). Rochester Institute of Technology is responsible for software development, Wabash College is overseeing question validation, and Emory University, Bucknell University, Rutgers University, and Johnson C. Smith University are beta testing the project.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Microanalytical Methods for Investigation of the Inflammatory Response
    (Kansas State University) Guidry, Nate; Hallaq, Tom; Guidry, Nate; Hallaq, Tom
    A central focus of this research is the development of microfluidic devices for manipulating single cells and conducting measurements of cell chemical reactions using electrical and optical techniques. Microfluidic devices are ultrasmall plumbing networks of channels and valves which can precisely manage small volumes of liquids (one-millionth to a few billionths of a liter). Microfluidics thus enable the study of small systems such as living cells, and also the rapid collection of data. This project is a multidisciplinary/international collaboration between four research groups, each providing unique expertise and facilities.
  • ItemOpen Access
    How do Fish Adapt to Extreme Environments?
    (Kansas State University) Hennigh, Sam; Hallaq, Tom; Hennigh, Sam; Hallaq, Tom
    Extreme environments allow for the investigation of life’s capacity and limitations to cope with far-from-average environmental conditions. Springs rich in hydrogen sulfide (H2S) represent some of the most extreme freshwater environments, because H2S halts energy production in animal cells. Nonetheless, some fish have colonized sulfide springs throughout the Americas, and it remains unknown how they can tolerate conditions so toxic that most other organisms perish. This project compares closely related populations that live in adjacent sulfidic or nonsulfidic habitats to identify differences in genetic, biochemical, and physiological traits that underlie tolerance to H2S. It involves the identification of genetic differences between H2S-tolerant and susceptible populations, particularly in genes associated with pathways affected by H2S toxicity or involved in H2S detoxification.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Cell Migration
    (Kansas State University) White, Rayvin; Hallaq, Tom; White, Rayvin; Hallaq, Tom
    Cells move and migrate to new locations in the bodies of developing animals, an important step for the correct formation and function of organs. This research uses a simple genetic model, the fruit fly, to investigate how cells move as organized groups within the animal. The overall goal of these studies is to identify fundamental mechanisms that keep cells together during cell movement, a poorly understood process. Results from these studies are expected to shed light on the way that cells migrate to populate tissues and organs during animal development.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A Grassland Bird's Changing World
    (Kansas State University) Ogborn, Callie; Hallaq, Tom; Ogborn, Callie; Hallaq, Tom
    Prairies are characterized by highly variable climate, yet we lack the theoretical knowledge to predict whether adaption to such conditions offers organisms greater resilience to additional change, or whether they already experience conditions near the limits of their physiological capabilities. This study capitalizes upon a 28-yr dataset of avian abundances and the infrastructure and experimental manipulations made possible by the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program at the Konza Prairie in NE Kansas. It integrates the insights from long-term data with detailed, mechanistic, individual-level data from a marked population of declining songbirds to predict biotic responses to future environmental conditions.