Davis, Duane L.Stevenson, Jeffrey S.2010-04-232010-04-232010-04-23http://hdl.handle.net/2097/3726Estrus was synchronized in gilts by feeding altrenogest for 18 days. All gilts were penned in gestation stalls. Beginning the day before the last altrenogest treatment and continuing until 3 days after treatment, gilts were either exposed to a boar for 2 hr /day, group-penned with other gilts for 2 hr /day, both exposed to a boar and group-penned, or given neither treatment. Boar exposure shortened the interval to estrus but group-penning had no effect. None of the treatments improved the synchrony of estrus.SwineBoarsGiltsEstrousAltrenogestEffects of exposure to boars and other gilts on the estrous response after synchronization with altrenogestConference paper