Riley, Jack G.2011-03-042011-03-042011-03-04's Fate in '78 is known as Cattlemen’s Day, 1978I conducted two trails during 1977 using 115 cows culled from KSU cow herds. Dry cows on lush brome grass gained 1.5 pounds per head per day. Those on a 60% concentrate ration average 2.2 pounds/day; those on 80% concentrate ration, 3.7 pounds/hd/day. The cull, dry cows ate between 23 and 30 pounds of dry matter/day. Cows fed during the Dec. 15-Feb. 15 trial required 2.5 lbs. more dry matter per pound of gain than cows fed during the May 17-June 21 trial. Fastest and most efficient gains were from the 80% concentrate rations. Length of feeding period should coincide with optimum slaughter weight. Results of these trials showed optimum slaughter weight was obtained when a cow weight 22 pounds per inch of height at the withers.BeefCull cowsFeedlotsFeeding cull beef cows in feedlotsConference paper