Bolsen, K.K.Hoover, J.D.2012-10-042012-10-042012-10-04 additives are receiving fairly widespread acceptance in the U.S. as management tools that are important for silage-making. Many products, which are added to the crop at the time of harvest or ensiling, are available commercially in Kansas. Some manufacturers/distributors make no claims for their products, primarily because management is such an important factor in making a good quality silage. Others claim their product will improve silage quality. When a claim is made, it is wise to check for evidence that the product has a favorable effect on the silage crop in question. Farm-scale silo trials at Kansas State University have shown that a few silage additives repeatedly reduced "in silo" losses. But results will probably not be favorable with all additives under every farm condition. Therefore, results obtained with a commercial product in our trials may not apply to other products on the market, however similar in ingredient formulation.DairySilageQualityMaturityMoistureSilage additive update: 1985Conference paper