Menzies, C.S.Erhart, A.B.2011-04-282011-04-282011-04-28 used were finewool wethers purchased from Phelps White, Roswell, New Mexico. Average purchase weight of 648 head was 75.8 lbs.; cost was $23.50 per cwt. Lambs were trucked to Garden City, arriving October. They sheared an average of 4.6 lbs. wool each October 27 and 28. Alfalfa hay and field chopped corn and sorghum forages were fed until lambs went on test. Total cost of lambs on test (initial cost, trucking, feed cost, and shearing charges minus estimated wool value) was $22.30 per cwt.LambCorn silageAlfalfaWheat branLamb feeding experimentsConference paper