Greer, J.G.Davis, Duane L.Hines, Robert H.2010-05-072010-05-072010-05-07 Future? is known as Swine Day, 1977Forty-two boars averaging 67 lbs. were used to study how various levels of calcium and phosphorus in their feed affected their development. Calcium-to phosphorus ratios of 1.2 to 1 were maintained in all treatment diets, which ranged from a low of .55% calcium and .45% phosphorus to a high of 1.30% calcium and 1.05% phosphorus. Seven treatment groups were replicated three times. No significant differences were observed for average daily gain, feed efficiency, carcass length, and backfat. Based on this trial, it appears that 0.55% calcium and 0.45% phosphorus is adequate for optimum growth of developing boars.SwineCalcium phosphorusBoarsGrowthCalcium phosphorus levels for developing boarsConference paper