Allee, G.L.2010-04-302010-04-302010-04-30 trials involving 61 litters of pigs were conducted to evaluate the effects of creep feeding and creep diet on weaning weight and subsequent performance in the nursery. Pigs offered a commercial milk replacer pellet (Soweena Pig Pellets) consumed more feed and were heavier at weaning than pigs fed a 20% whey corn-soybean meal creep diet or pigs fed no creep feed. Pigs utilized the creep feed very efficiently with creep feed conversion rates of less than 1:1. Creep feeding did not affect the 4- or 5-week post-weaning average daily gain or feed conversion. However, pigs that were creep fed and heavier at weaning also were heavier at 8 to 9 weeks of age.SwineCreep feedingCreep dietPig performanceEffect of creep feeding and creep diet on pre- and post-weaning pig performanceConference paper