Mayer, KaralineBoyle, Elizabeth A. E.Burson, Dennis EvertThippareddi, Harshavardhan2015-12-232015-12-23 project is partially funded through a grant from the National Integrated Food Safety Initiative (Special Emphasis Grant No. 2005-51110-03278) of the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.Karaline Mayer, Elizabeth Boyle, Dennis Burson, and Harshavardhan Thippareddi, Validation Documents for Using Antimicrobial Agents in Ready-to-Eat Meat and Poultry Products to Control Listeria monocytogenes, Kansas State University, January 2009.Listeria monocytogenesAntimicrobial agentsReady-to-eat meat productsReady-to-eat poultry productsBeefChickenPorkTurkeyControlling Listeria monocytogenes with antimicrobial agents in ready-to-eat meat and poultry products: validation documentsTextKansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension ServiceSerials (publications)Articles