Wilson, John W.Slaba, Tony C.Badavi, Francis F.Reddell, Brandon D.Bahadori, Amir A.2016-12-012016-12-012014-09-01http://hdl.handle.net/2097/34593Citation: Wilson JW, Slaba TC, Badavi FF, Reddell BD, and Bahadori AA 2014 3D Space Radiation Transport in a Shielded ICRU Tissue Sphere NASA/TP-2014-218530 NASA Langley Research Center: Hampton, VA http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R= 20150001250A computationally efficient 3DHZETRN code capable of simulating High Charge (Z) and Energy (HZE) and light ions (including neutrons) under space-like boundary conditions with enhanced neutron and light ion propagation was recently developed for a simple homogeneous shield object. Monte Carlo benchmarks were used to verify the methodology in slab and spherical geometry, and the 3D corrections were shown to provide significant improvement over the straight-ahead approximation in some cases. In the present report, the new algorithms with well-defined convergence criteria are extended to inhomogeneous media within a shielded tissue slab and a shielded tissue sphere and tested against Monte Carlo simulation to verify the solution methods. The 3D corrections are again found to more accurately describe the neutron and light ion fluence spectra as compared to the straight-ahead approximation. These computationally efficient methods provide a basis for software capable of space shield analysis and optimization.This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).THREE DIMENSIONAL MODELSRadiation TransportSpacecraft Shielding;Radiation ShieldingTissues (Biology)Spheres3D Space Radiation Transport in a Shielded ICRU Tissue SphereText