Bell, T.D.Erhart, A.B.2012-01-042012-01-042012-01-04 tests this year compared whole milo with steam rolled milo, and with ground milo when fed with a standard roughage ration of ground sorghum stover plus a protein supplement and supplemental salt and limestone. The roughage comparisons included: (1) all sorghum stover, (2) all alfalfa hay, (3) one-half alfalfa hay and one-half sorghum stover (with and without a protein supplement), and (4). part sorghum stover and part sorghum silage.SheepFeedlotMiloFeedlot and milo stubble fattening tests with feeder lambs. Studies carried on by the Department of Animal Husbandry and the Garden City Branch Experiment Station.Conference paper