Plattner, Allyson Karene2012-04-262012-04-262012-04-26 communities in higher education play a critical role in the success of our student population. Having the option of living-learning communities on campus is a sought after option for students and parents of students beginning college. For student retention efforts, it is important that our student affairs professionals understand the impact that living-learning communities have on the first-year student population. It is additionally important that professionals understand the different types of living-learning communities and determine which is best to implement on their campus. This report takes a deeper look into living-learning communities across the country and the impacts on living-learning communities have on campus. Taking into consideration the diversity of varying living-learning communities, three specific types were examined and their success was determined based on a national study called The National Study of Living-Learning Programs (2007). This report communicates the depth and necessity of living-learning communities in higher education for students, parents, and student affairs professionals.en-USFirst-year experienceLiving-learning communitiesRetentionLiving-learning communities: the role they play in first year retention efforts in higher educationReportEducational Administration (0514)