Gao, Junfeng2017-06-012017-06-01 japonica is the vital natural enemy of soybean aphid Aphis glycines in Jilin Province. Investigation of Lysiphlebia japonica was conducted during 1979-1992, and the results were shown as follows.Originating text in Chinese.Citation: Gao, Junfeng. (1994). Biological characteristics and control effect of Lysiphlebia japonica [Hym.: Braconidae] on Aphis glycines [Hom.: Aphididae]. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 10(2), 91-92.engCopyright for this item remains with the original copyright holder. Permission was obtained from the copyright holder to translate into English, where applicable, and to host the full-text content. characteristics and control effect of Lysiphlebia japonica [Hym.: Braconidae] on Aphis glycines [Hom.: Aphididae]Text