Timmis, T.Dikeman, Michael E.Hunt, Melvin C.Highfill, G.Stevenson, Jeffrey S.Hines, Robert H.2010-04-302010-04-302010-04-30http://hdl.handle.net/2097/3759Implanting boar pigs at 100 lb with 24 mg of Compudose 200® (estradiol 17β) had no significant effect on "boar odor" in meat, rate of gain, feed efficiency, carcass leanness or meat quality traits. The presence of a 7 to 8 mo old gilt in the pen decreased rate of growth in both control and implanted boars, but contrary to our expectations did not increase the incidence of “boar odor".SwineCompudoseCarcassMeat qualitySerumTestosteroneEffects of Compudose® implants on performance carcass, meat quality traits and serum testosterone in young boarsConference paper