Epp, M.P.Derstein, R.Blasi, Dale A.2011-03-172011-03-172011-03-17http://hdl.handle.net/2097/8103Bovine respiratory disease continues to be the most costly disease affecting productivity and profitability in the stocker segment. Despite their high cost, longer-acting, injectable therapeutic antimicrobials such as Draxxin (Tulathromycin; Pfizer Animal Health, New York, NY) can extend the window of treatment duration, thereby reducing the incidence and severity of bovine respiratory disease. Use of feed-based metaphylaxis programs, such as therapeutic administration of multiple 5-day pulses of Aureomycin (Alpharma, Inc., Bridgewater, NJ), in conjunction with an injectable metaphylaxis program may be a cost-effective way to improve bovine respiratory disease therapy without having to physically handle and stress cattle.BeefHealthPerformanceDraxxinMetaphylaxisFeed-based metaphylaxis programs did not affect health or performance of high-risk calves mass medicated with Draxxin on arrivalConference paper