Allee, G.L.2010-05-062010-05-062010-05-06 Future? is known as Swine Day, 1977One hundred eight crossbred, weaned pigs averaging 10.0ks (22.1 lbs.) were used to compare rations containing sorghum, corn, or wheat with 0 or 4% added fat (tallow) on performance of young pigs. There were no significant differences in average daily gain or feed efficiency among pigs fed sorghum, corn, or wheat with no added fat; and adding 4 % fat to the rations did not affect gain but did result in a slight improvement in feed/gain.SwineSorghumCornWheatFatWeanling pigsRations containing sorghum, corn, or wheat with 0 or 4% added fat for weaned pigsConference paper