Sussmann, F.Seiffert, L.Zherebtsov, S.Mondes, V.Stierle, J.Arbeiter, M.Plenge, J.Rupp, P.Peltz, C.Kessel, A.Trushin, S. A.Ahn, B.Kim, D.Graf, C.Ruhl, E.Kling, Matthias F.Fennel, T.2016-04-062016-04-062015-08-12 Sussmann, F., Seiffert, L., Zherebtsov, S., Mondes, V., Stierle, J., Arbeiter, M., . . . Fennel, T. (2015). Field propagation-induced directionality of carrier-envelope phase-controlled photoemission from nanospheres. Nature Communications, 6, 9. doi:10.1038/ncomms8944Near-fields of non-resonantly laser-excited nanostructures enable strong localization of ultrashort light fields and have opened novel routes to fundamentally modify and control electronic strong-field processes. Harnessing spatiotemporally tunable near-fields for the steering of sub-cycle electron dynamics may enable ultrafast optoelectronic devices and unprecedented control in the generation of attosecond electron and photon pulses. Here we utilize unsupported sub-wavelength dielectric nanospheres to generate near-fields with adjustable structure and study the resulting strong-field dynamics via photoelectron imaging. We demonstrate field propagation-induced tunability of the emission direction of fast recollision electrons up to a regime, where nonlinear charge interaction effects become dominant in the acceleration process. Our analysis supports that the timing of the recollision process remains controllable with attosecond resolution by the carrier-envelope phase, indicating the possibility to expand near-field-mediated control far into the realm of high-field phenomena.Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Laser-PulsesSilica SpheresMultiphoton IonizationAttosecond ControlNear-FieldElectronField propagation-induced directionality of carrier-envelope phase-controlled photoemission from nanospheresArticle