Mudge, Bessie A.2017-09-202017-09-201903 Mudge, Bessie A. The vital touch. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1903.Morse Department of Special CollectionsIntroduction: Very few people have an adequate conception of the wonderful power exerted by thoughts. We do not realize the tremendous influence that we are exerting every minute of our lives; an influence that makes for good, strength and happiness both to ourselves and to others, or directly opposite. We look at a violet: it is a beautiful thing yet what a very small space it occupies, but on entering a room that contains it, we smell at once its perfume everywhere. We feel the very soul of this tiny flower and in doing so we are made to realize that we, the highest of all things can at least give as much as this violet. What we give comes from our inner selves so we must begin with this inner self, making it pure and noble, then the outer life will be the same, for we each make our lives what they are and if they are wrong, we alone are to blame. We cannot expect this inner life to become perfect at once and we must watch and encourage every sign of improvement. No matter in what stage of life we are, we have an influence and so we must watch continually and not say that when we are grown we will have this influence for the good, for this like all the good things in life, must be worked for. Is there anything in this life that is worth having that is not worth working for? In order to have things in harmony, we must have good health, for this is essential to man's well-being, happiness and success. There is a direct relation between thought -force and health and happiness, or sickness and misery. One cannot appear at his best in any line of activity if his body is diseased. We can all be in good health if we only wish it, but some have the idea that to be fashionable they must be sick and in order to be fashionable they will do anything. The influence we get from a weak body is not the one we want, so in order that we have the best influence we must not over -look the care of ourThe organization that has made the Item available believes that the Item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States, but a determination was not made as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. The Item may not be in the Public Domain under the laws of other countries. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information. Childhood DevelopmentHealthMoralityCivilityThe vital touchTextTheses