Lee, Ik Jae2012-08-102012-08-102012-08-10http://hdl.handle.net/2097/14170In this paper we give a new generalization of the Khovanov homology. The construction begins with a Frobenius-algebra-like object in a category of graded vector-spaces with an anyonic braiding, with most of the relations weaken to hold only up to phase. The construction of Khovanov can be adapted to give a new link homology theory from such data. Both Khovanov's original theory and the odd Khovanov homology of Oszvath, Rassmusen and Szabo arise from special cases of the construction in which the braiding is a symmetry.en-USKnot TheoryTopologyA new generalization of the Khovanov homologyDissertationMathematics (0405)