Goldy, G.Downey, B.Bolsen, K.Riley, Jack G.2010-11-222010-11-222010-11-22 red high-concentrate limit-fed rations were more efficient during growing than steers fed silage plus grain at 25% of their dry matter (DM) intake, or silage only. The limit-fed cattle also tended to gain faster (P<.10) and were more efficient (P<.05) during the finishing phase and did not have the expected depressed DM intakes compared to cattle fed the other growing-phase rations. Steers fed barely had lower DM intakes (P<.05) but gained more efficiently (P<.05) than those fed grain sorghum.BeefFeedlotSteersHigh energy rationsEffect of limit-fed, high energy growing rations on the performance of feedlot steersConference paper