O'Quinn, P.R.Knabe, D.A.Woodworth, J.C.Lohrmann, T.T.Nelssen, Jim L.Goodband, Robert D.Tokach, Michael D.2010-02-192010-02-192010-02-19http://hdl.handle.net/2097/2701Two trials were conducted to compare the nutritional adequacy ofhigh-lysine, high-oil corn (.408% lysine, 6.21% fat) and highoil corn (.289% lysine, 5.97% fat) for young growing pigs. Experiment 1 used four barrows fitted with ileal T-cannulas in a crossover design digestion study. Diets contained 8.5% casein and an equal amount of lysine from the test corn. Apparent ileal digestibilities of amino acids, GE, DM, CP, and ash were similar between diets. Experiment 2 used segregated early-weaned barrows in a 2 x 2 factorially designed growth trial. Main effects were corn type and dietary lysine (.80 or 1.15% digestible lysine). Increasing digestible lysine increased ADG and improved F/G regardless ofcorn variety. Within each lysine level, corn type did not affect ADG, ADFI, or F/G. The results of these studies indicate that the lysine in high-lysine, high-oil corn is as available as the lysine in high-oil corn and that high-lysine, high-oil corn can be used successfully in swine diets.SwineDigestibilityGrowthHigh-oil cornHigh-lysine high-oil cornSegregated early-weaned pigsNutritional value of a transgenic high-lysine, high-oil corn for young pigsConference paper