DelCurto, T.Cochran, R.C.Corah, L.R.Vanzant, E.S.2010-11-022010-11-022010-11-02 pregnant. Hereford x Angus cows were randomly assigned to one of three winter supplement treatments: 1) soybean meal+sorghum grain, 2) alfalfa hay, or 3) dehydrated alfalfa pellets. Cows supplemented with dehydrated alfalfa pellets gained more (P<.05) weight during gestation and lost the least (P<.05) weight at calving. However, no differences (P>.10) were detected in cow body condition change. reproductive efficiency, or calf growth.BeefSoybean mealSorghum grainAlfalfa hayDehydrated alfalfa pelletsProteinDormant, tallgrass-prairieSoybean meal+sorghum grain, alfalfa hay, and dehydrated alfalfa pellets as protein supplements for beef cows grazing dormant, tallgrass-prairieConference paper