Schoeff, Robert W.2010-09-202010-09-202010-09-20 catalogs were published under the following titles: Catalogue of the officers and students of the Kansas State Agricultural College, with a brief history of the institution, 1st (1863/4); Annual catalogue of the officers and students of the Kansas State Agricultural College for, 2nd (1864/5)-4th (1868/9); Catalogue of the officers and students of the Kansas State Agricultural College for the year, 1869-1871/2; Hand-book of the Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas, 1873/4; Biennial catalogue of the Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas, calendar years, 1875/77; Catalogue of the State Agricultural College of Kansas, 1877/80-1896/97; Annual catalogue of the officers, students and graduates of the Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, 35th (1897/98)-46th (1908/09); Catalogue, 47th (1909/10)-67th (1929/30); Complete catalogue number, 68th (1930/31)-81st (1943/1944); Catalogue, 1945/1946-1948/1949?; General catalogue, 1949/1950?-1958/1960; General catalog, 1960/1962-1990/1992. Course catalogs then split into undergraduate and graduate catalogs respectively: K-State undergraduate catalog, 1992/1994- ; K-State graduate catalog, 1993/1995- 67th (1929/30) also contains separate bound in publication, List of students.Citation: Kansas State Agricultural College. (1930). Complete catalogue number, sixty-seventh session, 1929-30. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State Agricultural College.Call number: LD2668 .A243Morse Department of Special Collections648x992 pixelsColor photographsGrain dustDust explosions--Texas--GalvestonDamage to headhouse.Still ImageThis image cannot be copied or reproduced without the written permission of University Archives, Kansas State University. This image may be freely used for education uses, so long as it is not altered in any way. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this image file is permitted without written permission of University Archives, Kansas State University. A high-quality version of this file may be obtained for a fee by contacting University Archives, Kansas State University.