Laytimi, A.Arledge, J.Grimes, C.Bolsen, K.2010-12-102010-12-102010-12-10 the first of two alfalfa hay experiments, lambs fed small bale hays averaged 16% better gains and feed conversions than those fed large bale hays; Fresh Cut®-treated hay gave 9% better performance than untreated hays; and medium-moisture hays produced 12% faster and more efficient gains than low-moisture hays. In the second experiment, hay baled above 30% moisture had excessive heating, more discoloration and mold growth, higher storage losses, and lower dry matter and protein digestibilities compared with 15% moisture hay.BeefMoistureBale typePreservativeHay qualityValueEffect of moisture, bale type, and a preservative on alfalfa hay quality and feeding valueConference paper