Schoneweis, D.A.Allee, G.L.2010-05-072010-05-072010-05-07 Day '76 is known as Swine Day, 1976We compared the effects of two levels of trace minerals fed dams during gestation on the hemoglobin, packed cell volume, performance, and health of 31 litters of neonatal pigs. The dams had been on concrete all of their lives. There were no significant differences in the hemoglobin or packed cell volume in pigs due to trace mineral levels fed the dam during gestation. There were no apparent differences in the incidence of neonatal disease or other problems in any of the pigs. These results indicate no benefit from adding excess trace minerals to the ration of sows during gestation, even though the sows are in confinement.SwineTrace mineralsGestationSowsImmunoglobin performanceNeonatal pigsTrace mineral levels during gestation of sows in confinement-effects on immunoglobin performance and health of neonatal pigsConference paper