Schoeff, Robert W.2010-09-202010-09-202010-09-20 as: General information bulletin, Vol. 1 (1966)-v.2 (1967); General bulletin, Vol. 3 (1969)-1990/1991.Issued by Schilling Institute, 1966-1968; Kansas Technical Institute, 1969-1988; and, Kansas College of Technology, 1989-1991.Call number: LD2668.A119 G465 v.8 1982/1984Morse Department of Special Collections956x600 pixelsColor photographsGrain dustDust explosions--Colorado--SterlingAnother view, feed mill and elevator.Still ImageThis image cannot be copied or reproduced without the written permission of University Archives, Kansas State University. This image may be freely used for education uses, so long as it is not altered in any way. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this image file is permitted without written permission of University Archives, Kansas State University. A high-quality version of this file may be obtained for a fee by contacting University Archives, Kansas State University.