Meindel, MandyPohlman, Lisa M.2013-08-202013-08-202013-08-20 2-year-old, spayed toy poodle mix presented with a distended abdomen. The dog had been seen by the referring veterinarian for a 2-month history of intermittent vomiting. Diagnostic testing (eg, CBC, serum biochemistry profile, radiography) was inconclusive; exploratory laparotomy revealed no significant findings. Biopsies were not performed. Progressive abdominal distention became apparent in the 2 weeks following surgery, and the patient was referred to local specialists.en-USPermission to archive granted by Educational Concepts, July 23, 2013.DogDistended abdomenAbdominal effusionBile peritonitisAbdominal fluid analysisAbdominal effusion in a dogArticle (publisher version)