Eaton, Roger G.2016-07-212016-07-21 Eaton, R. (1993). Repositories, data dictionaries, and encyclopedias for SQL/DS. DATABASE Programming & Design, 6(6) 21-22Justified Confusion and wonderment exists about the support of repositories, data dictionaries, and encyclopedias for the SQL/DS platform. In my role as an SQL/DS DBA, I was obliged to design and develop my own data dictionary. During the process, I developed an understanding of the various genre of development support databases. At their highest level of definition, reposi tories, encyclopedias, and data dictionaries are databases that support applications development. I may get some argument about this definition from business data modeling people, but hey, most of us are paid to deliver business systems. A business model is only valuable (to most of us, anyway) if it leads to a business solution. Thus, I refer to repositories, encyclopedias, and data dictionaries as applications-development support databases. For our purposes, let's agree that designing a business model is part of the applications-development process.Copyright 1993 by Miller Freeman, Inc. If you are the copyright holder of this work and would like to have this item removed, please contact Kansas State University Libraries. (785) 532-7444.SQL/DSRepositoriesData DictionariesRelational DatabasesEncyclopediasRepositories, data dictionaries, and encyclopedias for SQL/DSText