Johnston, S.L.Hines, Robert H.Kennedy, G.A.Maloney, C.A.Traylor, S.L.Sorrell, S.P.Hancock, Joe D.Behnke, Keith C.2010-02-252010-02-252010-02-25 durability index was similar for sorghum- vs com-based diets but was greater for expander-conditioned pellets than standard-conditioned pellets. For finishing pigs, ADG, F/G, and carcass measurenlents were similar for pigs fed sorghum vs com. Efficiency of gain was 6% better for pigs fed pelleted diets compared to those given meal diets but was sinlilar for pigs fed the conventional- and expander-conditioned diets. For sows, the com- and sorghumbased diets supported similar litter performance. Our data indicate that sorghum is an excellent feedstuff: comparable to corn, in diets for finishing pigs and sows.SwineSorghumExpanderPelletsSowsFinishing pigsEffects of expander conditioning of corn- and sorghum-based diets on pellet quality and performance in finishing pigs and lactating sowsConference paper