Siverson, A.V.Oleen, Brandon E.Titgemeyer, Evan C.Montgomery, Sean P.Blasi, Dale A.2013-03-192013-03-192013-03-19 arrived feedlot cattle present numerous challenges and are often considered to be the most difficult type of fed cattle to handle. Receiving cattle typically are highly stressed and have had feed withheld for a significant amount of time. Formulating rations that are cost-effective and nutrient-dense is essential to accommodating lowered intake. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate effects of corn processing (whole shelled or dry-rolled), wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) inclusion, and their interaction on cattle performance.en-USCattleCorn ProcessingWet corn glutenCattle performanceDry rolled cornEffects of corn processing and wet corn gluten feed on newly received and growing cattleConference paper