Brazle, F.K.2010-09-152010-09-152010-09-15 hundred and forty-three mixed breed steers were allotted to four treatments with two pastures per treatment. Treatments consisted of a free-choice mineral supplement alone or with Aureomycin® added to provide 150, 300, or 450 mg/hd/day. Gain was similar for all four treatments. The percentage of cattle with eye problems was reduced in pastures where 150 and 450 mg of Aureomycin were consumed daily; however, the incidence in the 300 mg/hd/day group was as high as in the control group.BeefAureomycin®AntibioticMineralChlortetracyclineNative grassStocker cattleThe effect of feeding different levels of Aureomycin® in a mineral mixture to stocker cattle grazing native grassConference paper