Coleman, JasonMallon, Melissa N.Lo, Leo2016-01-222016-01-222015-12-21 national survey of academic librarians was conducted to examine relationships among reference service staffing changes, reference service innovations, adoption of reference technology, library type and size, and service quality. Analysis of the 606 response sets reveals trends toward reduced use of librarians and increased use of student staff at in-person service points, widespread increases in appointment-based and self-service reference, intensive efforts to reduce demand for reference by improving library instruction, and general improvements in reference service quality. Factors strongly associated with decreases or increases in quality are discussed in detail and implications for reference managers are provided.Citation: Jason Coleman, Melissa N. Mallon & Leo Lo (2015): Recent Changes to Reference Services in Academic Libraries and Their Relationship to Perceived Quality: Results of a National Survey, Journal of Library Administration, DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2015.1109879This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Journal of Library Administration on 21/12/2015, available online: servicesacademic librariesstaffing modelstrendstechnologyinnovationsRecent Changes to Reference Services in Academic Libraries and Their Relationship to Perceived Quality: Results of a National SurveyText