Willard, J. T. (Julius Terrass), 1862-19502017-09-202017-09-20http://hdl.handle.net/2097/37089Touchstone is Kansas State University's student-edited literary arts magazine that showcases literary work by graduate and undergraduate students. It is published annually each spring by the College of Arts and Sciences with assistance from Kansas State University's creative writing faculty, the Fine Arts Council, and the English Department.CONTENTS: Subtle transitions / Brandon Williams -- Lilies at dusk / Rachel Hermes -- Morning light / Rachel Hermes -- Trip acid / Timmy Wolfe -- Spider plant / Timmy Wolfe -- Frame no. 1 / Timmy Wolfe -- Thinking out loud / Jacob Brooks -- Ask them if they dream / Jacob Brooks -- Please wake up / Jacob Brooks -- Peter Dingley: feature artist / [the editor?] -- Loneliness / Brenna Leahy -- My brother painted eggs / Judson Easton Packard -- V praze / Jacob Valdez -- Best laid plans / Megan Zeman -- Company / Whitney Horn -- Oblivion / Anna Meyer -- Like butterflies and fireflies / Riley Gay -- Bruises / Darby Huddleston -- Moon pollution / Connor Syrios -- Funeral in first position / Tiffani Lawrence -- Before Abel / Maia Carlson -- Any winter / Maia Carlson -- Honey / Matthew Champagne -- I can only say it in writing / Judson Easton PackardCitation: Pyles, D. (Ed.). (2017). Touchstone, Spring.Morse Department of Special CollectionsPublic Domain Mark 1.0http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/East side of county home, the former residence of President Joseph Denison, November 14, 1932StillImageBlack-and-white photographs