Willard, J. T. (Julius Terrass), 1862-19502017-09-202017-09-20http://hdl.handle.net/2097/37122Touchstone is Kansas State University's student-edited literary arts magazine that showcases literary work by graduate and undergraduate students. It is published annually each spring by the College of Arts and Sciences with assistance from Kansas State University's creative writing faculty, the Fine Arts Council, and the English Department.CONTENTS: Toni Salamoni's pool party / Amanda Latrenta -- Howard Dates ate Elmer's Glue / Amanda Latrenta -- Constantinople / Beau Boudreaux -- Julio, el barbero / Kevin Gonz les -- Checkmate on the eleventh floor / Kevin Gonz les -- Loter¡a / Kevin Gonz les -- Garlic love / Amanda Watson -- Crow / Tiffany Kentile -- In a Beijing taxi / Erin Billing -- Watermelon / Christina Joy Palangattil -- Amazons / Samantha Warren -- Hot and sour soup / Jonathan Tipton -- Clean / Dennis C. Martin -- Cave darkness / Katie Sallitt Fallon -- No Santa Claus in Kansas / Tania Beltran -- Neo-Nubian blues / Danielle K. Little -- Over coffee and muffins: A conversation with Thomas Fox Averill / Darin JensenCitation: Jensen, D.L. (Ed.). (2002). Touchstone, 34.Morse Department of Special CollectionsPublic Domain Mark 1.0http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/Reinforcement for the sides of the storm sewer on Poyntz Ave, Manhattan, KS, March 4, 1934StillImageBlack-and-white photographs