Rethinking of timber joinery in 21st-century architecture: the computation of a timber joinery through complex geometry



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Kansas State University


In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in timber joinery in contemporary architecture. With the introduction of digital fabrication technologies and computational design, it is now possible to create complex timber structures with more complex shapes and designs. One of the critical advantages of timber as a building material is its ability to be combined in various ways. Timber joinery can create solid and durable connections between structural members while providing an aesthetically pleasing finish. In the 21st century, architects and designers are exploring new ways to use timber joinery to create unique and innovative structures. Computational design tools allow designers to create complex geometries that can be fabricated precisely using computer numerical control (CNC) machines and other digital fabrication technologies. Designers who are well-versed in programs like Rhino, Grasshopper, or Revit have the ability to utilize parametric modeling software that can calculate timber joinery that is based on intricate geometry. These tools allow designers to create 3D models of the structure and conduct experiments with different joinery options and configurations. Once the joinery is designed, it can be fabricated using CNC machines or other digital fabrication tools. It allows for high precision and accuracy in the fabrication process, ensuring the joint perfectly fits together. The use of complex timber joinery in contemporary architecture provides functional benefits and a unique aesthetic that cannot be achieved with other materials. By rethinking traditional joinery techniques and embracing digital technologies, architects and designers can create structures that push the boundaries of what is possible through timber construction. This thesis will investigate and explore the timber joinery system and fabrication methods, one of the old wooden structure techniques used in the age of digital technologies that rejuvenate the usage of conventional construction processes in timber buildings. The main aim of this thesis was to study computational design in creating complex wooden segmental base structures that rely on interlocking timber joints as the primary form of connection. This involved analyzing the role of wooden joinery and exploring complex systems made using this technique. The second objective was to create a digital model of several types of parametric wood joineries, such as halve and lap joint, Tenon and mortise joint, and finger joints. A digital model of a complex segmental plate structure with three fundamental parametric joints was also developed. The three basic types include finger, halve and lap clip, and Mortise and Tenon joints. The third objective is a structural and shape optimization of the basic mesh for specified complex geometry, which will be a digital model to evaluate the applicability of the generated joints, and will be determined because of this investigation.



Timber joinery, Complex geometry, Computational form finding, Parametric tools for timber joinery

Graduation Month



Master of Science


Department of Architecture

Major Professor

Brian Lee



