Interaction of weed emergence, weed density, and herbicide rate in soybean

dc.contributor.authorNdou, Aifheli Meshack
dc.description.abstractChallenges in weed management include occurrence of multiple weed species in the field, variable emergence among weed species, different spatial distribution and weed densities, which leads to the persistence of weed patches. The overall objective of this research was to understand the interaction of weed emergence, weed density, herbicide choice, and herbicide rate in soybean. Specific objectives were 1) to characterize the seedbank and emergence patterns of shattercane (Sorghum bicolor L.), prickly sida (Sida spinosa L.), and ivyleaf morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea Jacq.) including initial, peak, end, and duration of emergence in response to crop and herbicide treatments in soybean, and 2) to evaluate large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis L.), shattercane, Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S.), and velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) mortality and dry weight reduction in response to herbicide rates across varying weed densities as well as to determine the influence of velvetleaf growth stage and density on herbicide efficacy. In the emergence study of 2006 to 2008, four treatments were nocrop, no-residual herbicide, half-rate of residual herbicide and full-rate of residual herbicide. Reduction in weed emergence was observed over the years in the same species patch. Species emerged in mid-May in both years, coinciding with soybean planting. Extended emergence was observed for shattercane when moisture was low and temperature high, while for prickly sida and ivyleaf morningglory, extended emergence was observed when moisture was high and temperature low. Applying residual herbicide decreased weed emergence. Herbicide choice was the whole plot, herbicide rates were subplots and weed densities were sub-subplots in field experiments conducted in 2006 and 2007. Shattercane was more susceptible to both glyphosate and clethodim than large crabgrass. Increasing large crabgrass density reduced percent mortality with clethodim, while with glyphosate, density did not affect both species mortality. Shattercane dry weight was reduced to 0 g per plot with 0.1X labeled rate of clethodim or glyphosate while 0.5X of the labeled rate reduced dry weight of large crabgrass to 0 g per plot. For broadleaf weeds, higher percent mortality was observed with glyphosate than with lactofen at high densities. Palmer amaranth was more susceptible than velvetleaf. Velvetleaf response was density dependent, such that increasing density did not increase dry weight. Velvetleaf growth stage was of importance, as stage affected herbicide efficacy, with higher mortality achieved at the two-leaf stage than the four- and six-leaf stages. For glyphosate, 0.125X of labeled rate on velvetleaf density of 5 seedlings per pot achieved more than 90% mortality when applied at the two-leaf stage, but dropped to 60 and 50% mortality when applied at the four- and six-leaf stage, respectively. The trend was the same for velvetleaf at a density of 30 seedlings per pot, which had 80, 60, and 55% mortality for the two-, four-, and six-leaf stages, respectively. Weed managers and farmers have the opportunity to better select herbicide choice and rate based on weed species, weed emergence patterns, and weed density.
dc.description.advisorJohanna A. Dille
dc.description.degreeDoctor of Philosophy
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Agronomy
dc.description.sponsorshipCooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CREES), U.S. Department of Agriculture (award No. 2005-34103-15482)
dc.publisherKansas State University
dc.rights© the author. This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
dc.subjectweed management practices
dc.subjectweed patch
dc.subjectweed emergence pattern
dc.subjectdose response
dc.subjectweed density
dc.subjectherbicide rate
dc.subject.umiAgriculture, Agronomy (0285)
dc.titleInteraction of weed emergence, weed density, and herbicide rate in soybean


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