Use of M egasphaera elsdenii strain NCIMB 41125 as a direct fed microbial in monogastric livestock and poultry
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Three experiments were conducted to determine the impact of Megasphaera elsdenii supplementation in monogastric livestock and poultry . Experiment 1 evaluated effect s of M. elsdenii on growth performance and cecal parameters in broiler chickens ( n = 2520 ). Birds in treatment groups 1 and 2 were administered M. elsdenii culture as either an oral gavage (OG) or an aerosolized mist (AM), respectively. Treatment group 3 served as a negat ive control (C). Growth performance and feed efficiency (FE) were unaffected by treatment ( P > 0.10). Cecal pH was reduced in AM and OG birds compared to C ( P < 0.05). M. elsdenii is most effective in altering cecal VFA profile before d 21 post - administrat ion, after which no differences in VFA concentrations were detected between treatments. Reduction in cecal pH in response to M. elsdenii indicate s potential application of this probiotic as an acidifier, commonly used in poultry production as an antibiotic alternative. Experiment 2 was a swine performance study conducted to determine effect s of treating sows or piglets or both with an oral gavage of M. elsdenii. Factor 1 consisted of administration of an M. elsdenii oral gavage administered to sows or a neg ative control (n = 28). Factor 2 consisted of either a negative control or oral gavage of M. elsdenii administered to litters of piglets shortly after birth and at weaning. Sow weight loss during lactation was unaffected by treatment ( P > 0.10). Feed intak e upon introduction to the nursery was greater in piglets that received M. elsdenii directly than those that did not ( P < 0.05). Large intestinal fermentation in both sows and piglets was affected by M. elsdenii administration. Fecal VFA concentrations tended to be greater in animals that received M. elsdenii either indirectly through the sow or directly via oral gavage ( P < 0.05). Direct supplementation of piglets with M. elsdenii is more effective in altering fermentation aft er d 21 than indirect administration, as VFA concentrations in piglets that received M. elsdenii indirectly are similar to the control by d 28. Butyrate concentrations were greater in piglets that received M. elsdenii; this VFA is important in prevention o f intestinal atrophy and recovery from physiological stress of weaning. Experiment 3 examined effect s of M. elsdenii administered as either an oral drench (O D ) or a lyophilized powder (LP) on equine cecal fermentation compared to a negative control ( N C). Cecally cannulated horses (n = 8) were transitioned to a 1:1 roughage to concentrate diet over a period of 5 d. Cecal pH was greater than NC in O D and LP horses on d 5 and d 7, respectively ( P < 0.10). Acetate: propionate ratio, valerate , and caproate concen trations also were greater in LP horses than NC on d 7 ( P < 0.05). This may indicate improved gut health and fiber digestion in supplemented horses. M. elsdenii is able to effectively alter large intestinal fermentation in monogastric species and may have potential to improve gut health and performance of these species.