Attosecond time-resolved autoionization of argon


Autoionization of argon atoms was studied experimentally by transient absorption spectroscopy with isolated attosecond pulses. The peak position, intensity, linewidth, and shape of the 3s3p[superscript 6]np [superscript 1]P Fano resonance series (26.6–29.2 eV) were modified by intense few-cycle near infrared laser pulses, while the delay between the attosecond pulse and the laser pulse was changed by a few femtoseconds. Numerical simulations revealed that the experimentally observed splitting of the 3s3p[superscript 6]4p [superscript 1]P line is caused by the coupling between two short-lived highly excited states in the strong laser field.



Autoionization, Argon, Transient absorption spectroscopy, Electron correlation
