Characterization of the mid-infrared wavelength dependent loss in hollow core photonic crystal fibers
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This research sought to characterize the length dependent loss of hollow core photonic crystal fibers (HC-PCF) in the mid-infrared. These fibers are used in gas-filled fiber lasers that operate in the mid-infrared range. A black body source which provided a broad mid-infrared spectrum was coupled into a HC-PCF and a fiber cut-back method was implemented to make the length dependent loss measurement. A monochromator was used to observe narrow bands of the broad spectrum provided by the black body source and the loss as a function of wavelength was constructed. The loss for four unique HC-PCF fibers was characterized across the wavelength range [lambda] =1754 nm to [lambda] =3220 nm. The best fibers demonstrated a loss of less than 2 dB/m across this range, with some fibers even exhibiting loss below 1 dB/m.