Investigation of differences between male and female young drivers using injury severity models
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Problem: Gender differences of young drivers involved in crashes and the associated differences in risk factors have not been fully explored in the United States (U.S.). Accordingly, this study investigated the topic, where the Odds Ratios (OR) were used to identify differences in crash involvements between male and female young drivers. Method: Logistic regression models for injury severity of young male drivers and young female drivers were also developed. Different driver, environmental, vehicle, and road related factors that have affected young female drivers’ and young male drivers’ crash involvement were identified using the models. Results: Results indicated that some variables are significantly related to female drivers’ injury risk but not male drivers’ injury risk and vice versa.Variables such as driving with valid licenses, driving on weekends, avoidance or slow maneuvers at time of crash, non-collision and overturn crashes and collision with a pedestrian were significant variables in female driver injury severity model but not in young male driver severity model. Travel on unleveled roadways, travel on concrete surfaces, travel on wet road surfaces, collision with another vehicle, rear-end collisions were variables that were significant in male driver severity model but not in female driver severity model. Summary: Factors which increase young female drivers’ injury severity and young male drivers’ injury severity were identified. Some factors are significantly related to female drivers’ injury risk but not male drivers’ injury risk and vice versa. This study adds detailed information about gender differences and similarities in injury severity risk of young drivers.